Sunday 30 October 2011

Short stories from the news

For my research i picked out three news stories around the whole global and try to analyse how i could create a film based on these concepts,i used varaities of informtaion from different news in different countries and explain my own intentions of how i would make a movie out of the real life situation that can occur anytime in the time being.

The first headline which I found was very interesting was a fist fight which occured in Italy parliament:

The website of this Headline:

  • This is a headline from italy which appearntly a fist fight occurred in a parliament event which I found very interesting of how I could create a film based on

    An action movie where I could see how 2 countries are going against each
    other about their economy or something that refers to the outbreak war
    against each other so therefore both men from the two countries have a
    fight in the parliament and agrees to have a great war with each other.

  • Might create a horror movie where a man dreamed to be a president but another
    man takes over and becomes the president so therefore the person feels
    very frustrated and angry so he attacks him and probably becomes a psycho
    and kills the people who has supported the other man or kill his family.

  • Might create a romance movie where both men are fighting each other over a women
    who probably create a scene where another man is sleeping with another
    mans wife and he then finds out in the parliament which cause an outbreak
    war between the two men

  • A sci-fi movie where a man probably discovers or founds an alien which hit the
    planet on earth and have to appear in a parliament meeting of the aspects
    of the alien but becomes frustrated as someone agrees to disterminate the

Overall the reason why i have picked this headline is because it amazed me how a fight could occur in a parliament where they suppose to deal with the whole economy and discuss the situation that is happpening to their own country,they should be working and cooperating with each other to solve any economic or poltical problems which is the needs for their own country,causing a fight doesnt solve anything and in this aspect of casuing a fight in a parliament is dispicable.Many things gathered into my my own of what is the purpose of why two men fighting each other in the parliament and in film conceptes i could produce any reason about this cause,so therefore producing something that is very shocking in real life may gather alot of interest to the audeince of have predictable thoughts about this cause.

The second headline i looked at was 'Spanish banks punished' which was about how the european union is trying to decrease the currency of spain.

Heres the image of the news article:

The website for this article is on the link:

The headline Spanish bank punished gave me an idea of how I could

· Create a bank robbery scene where two men are robbing a bank probably because they haven’t got no money or trying to get money for their children in need or because they have been ordered by their mob boss. Then there might be a scene where they get lockdown a been put into jail but manage to escape so therefore the police are looking for them everywhere and the two robbers are travelling the whole world to be in safer place with no harm in society

·Could create a romance scene where a guy has to rob a bank just to get the money for her wife’s operation.

·Create a comedy scene where two men cant even rob a bank so they just get put away in jail.

The final article i looked at was 'A weapon of mass confusion' This article is about how the european council agrees or promises that the eurozone leaders will bring out a 'Big bazzoka' in order to find a solution to the geek and euro crises.

The reason why i have chosen this article/headline is because it creates a sense of fear where the word weapon comes to mind which relates to war,violence,vengence,crime and any other particular bad situation that has occured in our world.The word 'mass confusion' how a number of people are indicated and placed with anumber of confusion in the local society so therefore meaning a massive of lives may be lost due to alot of confusions.This gave me a great amount of ideas of why this may occur and in film aspects i could produce as many situation that are mostly lilley to be a cause of this.

Here is the image of the article:

The link of this headline is:

My thoughts of how I could produce a film with this concept was:

  • The governments might go against there decision and create a massive war around the world

  • The special force army might try and take over the world killing innocent people and one manages to stop the whole situation by killing the governernment who provided the armed weapons

  • Might start a new world war 3

  • I could create something romantic where a soldier have to be forced to kill innocent people and finds someone he loves but forced to kill that person and It becomes a twist where he goes against all the troops and manage to take over the lead

  • Create a comedy film where two soldiers are forced to kill innocent people but mistakenly keeps on killing their own troops

    In conclusion

By looking at these headlines I had many ideas of how I could produce a genre to my story and create a big twist that will gain a lot of interest to my audiences. By watching news gave me ideas of how anything could occur in real life society and make something very different compare to others which are plain simple to realise. Therefore In this research I will try and see if I can use anything referred to the news and creates a film based on it.

Films i have watched throughout the week

Over the past week to gather everything I need to plan for producing my opening sequence I watched several movies from the internet or on DVD that I have brought.

Each of the movies have different genres and also have different concepts of how the produce an unexpected moment in a scene.

For this I will analyse three films that I have watched from this week from either the internet or on DVD

The first film I have watched is power rangers might morphin the movie

Mighty morphin power rangers the movie is a 1995 American superhero
action fantasy based on the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on Fox Kids.
It featured the characters and actors from the series itself the film stars with the regualr television cast of Jason David,Frank, Amy Jo Johnson, David Yost,
Johnny Yong Bosch, Karan Ashley and Steve Cardenas.

The reason why I have chose this film to watch in this week was because this film was based in a TV series for children which I thought it would be different where many films are produced for people to find out the concept of it whereas producing a film based on a TV series that many people watch will gather a lot of views since they have the interest of the features
in the TV series.

The main plot of the film After the Power Rangers participate in a charity skydive, a giant egg is unearthed in Angel Grove.Lord Zedand Rita Repulse
investigate the egg, and release the creature inside - Ivan Ooze, whom Zordon had trapped inside the egg 6,000 years earlier. Once released, Ooze leaves to seek revenge on Zordon and betrays Zed and Rita by trapping them in a snow globe and orders Goldar and Mordant to serve him. He disguises himself as a carnival wizard and gives free jars of purple ooze to children. Fred
Kelman, the Rangers' young friend, accepts a jar, and brings it home. Later, his father finds the jar and inspects the ooze. When he pulls some out of the jar, it zaps him with purple energy, putting him under Ooze's control, along with the other parents of Angel Grove, and Ooze uses them to dig out and rebuild his buried Ectomorphicon Titans. When the Power Rangers are sent
to fight Ooze's Ooze Men, the command Center is left defenseless. Ooze destroys it, leaving Zordon near death and causing the Rangers to lose their powers as a result. They must go on
a quest to find new Ninjetti powers on the distant planet of Phaedos. When Ooze sends his Tengu Warriors after the Rangers, they are assisted by Dulcea, who bestows upon the Rangers new Ninja powers based on six Ninja animals: the white Falcon, the red Ape, the yellow Bear, the blue Wolf, the pink Crane, and the black Frog. Dulcea directs the Rangers to find the Ninjetti Temple
to find the Great Power on their own, as she will age rapidly if she takes one step off the Ninjetti plateau. On their way, the Rangers battle a living dinosaur skeleton and at the temple
battle four living statues. When the statues are destroyed, the Great Power is
bestowed upon them and they morph once again. When the Rangers return to Earth, they find it under attack by Ooze's Ectomorphicon Titans, and call upon their Ninjazords to battle
the Titans. They destroy Scorpitron, and then prepare to battle Hornitor. During this time, Fred persuades the kids of Angel Grove that Ooze plans to kill their parents and rallies them to the construction site where Ooze directed the adults to leap to their deaths, and they form a defensive line to try and stop their parents while Fred, Bulk and Skull man a construction firehose to help slow them down. When Ooze fuses with Hornitor, the Rangers form the Ninja Megazord to try and destroy him. However, Ooze gains the upper hand. The Rangers form the Ninja Falcon Megazord and fly deep into space, with Ooze in hot pursuit. Billy comes up with
the idea of using Ryan's Comet, which is going to pass by the Earth, to destroy
him. The Rangers struggle fighting Ooze and Aisha hits an emergency button next
to her post, which causes the Megazord to kick Ooze in the crotch. Ooze
releases the Megazord and comes into contact with the comet, destroying him and
releasing the parents of Angel Grove from his spell. The Rangers return to the Command Center, but discover Zordon has died.
Realizing that anything is possible with the Great Power, the Rangers use this
power to revive Zordon and restore the Command Center.
The film ends with a celebration
in the Angel Grove harbor, thanking the Power Rangers for saving the world,
although Bulk and Skull claim that it was themselves who saved the day. During
the credits, Goldar takes Lord Zed’s throne and proclaims himself "King
Goldar ruler of the universe", with Mordant joining him. However, Zedd and
Rita walk in on them.

Since I watched he movie from YouTube I have embed

1st part

I have include links to the other parts of the film

2nd part

3rd part

4th part

5th part

6th part

7th part

My opinion about the film

By watching the whole film I thought it was very amazing the
way they put in with the power rangers theme song when they morph into their
powers this basically will gather all the interest and the demand from power ranger’s
fans by watching all their series. As a fan myself when I was a kid it was
amazing how they put up with the villain named Ivan ooz and created him more
dark and more firce however they did put him into a funny side the way he
controlled the people with his ooz and mind control where he made a person
dance into opera, but what didn’t recognise was the villain ooze ruled world in
6000 years ago and was put away from lord zordon this will bring the aspects
and unexpected moments to those who watch the power rangers series. I also like
the way they have new powers and the music background was very bright as if
happiness has come across when they gathered their new powers It peaceful and
relaxed, the music was very calm and abit depressing of how hard they worked to
try and defeat the evil since their lord is almost dieing.There was some fierce
and scary background music with Ivan ooze which created an evil atmosphere as
though he is powerful and very difficult to defeat for the power rangers.
Overall the film was magnificent of how they plotted with the TV series and
made into a massive jump where the power rangers gain new powers and the tragedy
of how zordon was almost killed from Ivan ooze which created a lot of shocking
moments to the fan thinking that is zordon really dead? What will come across
with the power rangers? Are the powers rangers are really over?
Many conclusive thoughts came to my mind while watching this
film which I reflected on the TV series of this concept.

Another filmed I have watched is called:

water boy

The Waterboy is a 1998 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci. It stars Adam Sandler alongside Henry Winkler,Kathy Bates, Jerry Reed, and Fairuza Balk. Lynn Swann,
Lawrence Taylor,Jimmy Johnson,Bill Cowher Paul Wight, and Rob Schneider have cameos.Sandler produced the movie and co-wrote the script with Tim Herlihy.

Plot of the film
Bobby Boucher is a socially inept,stuttering water boy with hidden anger issues due to
constant teasing and excessive sheltering by his mother (Kathy Bates).
He became the water boy for the University of Louisiana Cougars after being told his father died of dehydration in the Sahara Desertwhile serving in the Peace Corps. However, the players always torment him and the team's head coach, Red Beaulieu (Jerry Reed), eventually fires him for "disrupting" his practices. Bobby then approaches Coach Klein (Henry Winkler) of the South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs and asks to work as the team's waterboy. Coach Klein has been coach of SCLSU for years without success, after his brilliant playbook was stolen by Red Beaulieu. Bobby Boucher's mother, Kathy Bates tells Bobby of the evils of football and forbids him to play. Coach Klein shows Bobby his tattoo of Roy Orbison encouraging him to go against his mothers' wishes. After being picked on again by his new team, Coach Klein encourages Bobby to strike back, which leads to him knocking out the teams quarterback. Coach Klein convinces Bobby to go back to school and play for the team, to which he agrees on the grounds that nobody tells his mother. Bobby quickly becomes one of the
most feared linebackers in college football, hitting opposing players with injury-causing force. The Mud Dogs manage a winning streak and earn a trip to the annual Bourbon Bowl to face the Cougars and Coach Beaulieu. Bobby's newfound fame also allows him to rekindle a relationship with his childhood friend and crush Vicki Vallencourt (Fairuza Balk), who has been in prison multiple times. Coach Beaulieu reveals that Bobby never finished high school, making him ineligible for college and football. However, Bobby manages to pass his GED exam, despite his mothers objections about him going back to college. She then fakes falling ill to keep Bobby from playing, but eventually admits it after witnessing the residents support for Bobby.
Arriving late for the finals, Bobby manages to encourage the losing Mud Dogs to make a comeback. With Bobby's help, Coach Klein overcomes his fear of Red Beaulieu and creates new plays that allow the Mud Dogs to catch up. During the final play, Bobby throws a touchdown
pass and the Mud Dogs win the finals. Sometime later, Bobby and Vicki are getting married. On their way out Bobby's father makes an unexpected appearance, having actually left Bobby's pregnant mother for another woman years ago. He tries to convince Bobby to leave school and go to the NFL, hoping to personally profit as his father; but Bobby's mother charges in and tackles him down.

Here is the first part I watched from YouTube which i have embeded because of showing how they produced the opening scene effective and how they use a twist during the film,however i have set out links for the other part of this film

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

4th part

5th part

6th part

7th part

8th part

9th part

By watching the whole movie I thought it was amazing and
very funny that actually knocked my senses out of how someone who always been
bullied and always been terrorised since he was a kid managed to be a star
player of an American football team this was one of the biggest twist and
unexpected moments of this film to be honest I thought the person was either
going to be bullied for ever, tortured by his mum following her rules all the
time, always going to be laughed at however it became ironic how he managed to
step up his game and found a girl he marries and his mums accepts him as a mum
but what I didn’t expect was his dad returns and begging him to join forces to
make money but what I saw that very bizarre and funny was his mum tackled him
and knocked him out. Hopefully by watching this film will give me ideas of how
I can produce a twist with comedy references.

The final film that iam going to analyse which I have watched in the week is:

The passion of Christ

Is a 2004 American drama film directed by Mel Gibson and starring Jim Caviezel as Jesus. It depicts the Passion of Jesus largely according to the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. It also draws on other devotional writings, such as those disputed attributed
to Anne Catherine Emmerich.

The plot

The film opens in Gethsemane as Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan, while his apostles, Peter,
James and John sleep. After receiving thirty pieces of silver, one of Jesus' other apostles, Judas,
approaches with the temple guards and betrays Jesus with a kiss. As the guards move in to arrest Jesus, Peter cuts off the ear of Malchus, but Jesus heals the ear. The temple guards arrest Jesus and the apostles flee. John tells Mary and MaryMagdalene of the arrest. Peter follows Jesus at a distance. Caiaphas holds trial over the objection of some of the other priests, who are expelled from the court. When questioned by Caiaphas whether he is the son of God, Jesus
replies "I AM." Caiaphas is horrified and tears his robes and Jesus is condemned to death for blasphemy. Three times Peter denies knowing Jesus but then runs away sobbing. Meanwhile, the remorseful Judas attempts to return the money to have Jesus freed but is refused by the priests. Tormented by demons, he flees the city and hangs himself with a rope he finds on a dead donkey. Caiaphas brings Jesus before PontinousPilate to be condemned to death, but after questioning Jesus, Pilate sends him instead to the court of Herod as Jesus is from Herod's ruling town of Nazareth. After Jesus is returned, Pilate offers the crowd that he will chastise Jesus
and then will set him free. Pilate attempts to have Jesus freed by giving the people an option of freeing Jesus or the violent criminal Barabbas. To Pilate's dismay, the crowd demands to have Barabbas freed and Jesus killed. In an attempt to appease the crowd, Pilate has Jesus brutally scourged and mocked with a crown of thorns, yet the crowd continues to demand that Jesus be
crucified. Pilate reluctantly orders Jesus' crucifixion. As Jesus carries the cross along the Via Dolorosato Calvary, Seraphia wipes Jesus's face with her veil. Simon of Cyrene is unwillingly pressed into carrying the cross with Jesus. Jesus is then crucified. As he hangs from the cross,
Jesus prays forgiveness for those who did this to him and redeems a criminal crucified next to him. After Jesus gives up his spirit and dies, a single drop of rain falls from the sky, triggering an earthquake which destroys the Temple and rips the cloth covering the Holy of Holies in two, to the horror of Caiaphas and the other priests. Satan is then shown screaming in defeat. The story ends with Jesus rising from the dead and exiting his tomb.

I watched the whole film on YouTube here is the whole film:

By watching this film was very depressing and shocking I
began to have a lot of emotions and bizarre feelings that actually would torn
me apart, as we know the concept of how Jesus Christ (PBUH) died this film
showed us the tragedy that occurred to every the torture that Jesus Christ
(PBUH) have to cope with but still managed to forgive, this created a lot of
moral referring to Christianity and also Islam. It’s very depressing of how his
mother have also been treated unfairly and lost a great son it creates sad
feelings to everyone’s heart and gives them to feeling that we should never
harm one or another we should always forgive our souls. By watching this film
it made me realise of how I can create a film with sad and depressing moment
which will effect people’s emotions and change for the better good of society.

By watching these three films I wonder of how can I produce
a movie with such a brilliant idea so therefore I gathered some information or
headlines from the news around the world and found something very interesting that come across my mind.

Short film Analysis

For this reasearch i have watched three different clips to gather any ideas of how i could produce something unexpected and something that they prediut will happen during the opening scene so therefore i have presented my research by using prezi.

Thursday 20 October 2011

How effective are the opening sequence?

For developing the skills and the knowledge that I need in order to produce my own opening sequence I have looked at several clips of opening sequence which are Mohammed ali,8 ½ dream and salaam bombey.These films in my opinion was very effective and fluent of how they grabbed the audience attention and for my research I have included notes of what types of special effects they use which grabbed my intention and even gave me emotions in a certain way. While watching the clips I have found some that was very unpredictable that actually made me to question my self and regarding of finding out the answers of my questions.

An effective opening sequence always includes a background music which fits into its society or cultural background for example in salaam Bombay it uses and Indian cultural soundtrack which already made me realise that the film is based on Indian culture or the middle east. This could be similar to Mohammed ali where they used jazz music as you can see a person jogging, this empathises how they society is probably based in the 1950’s or 60’s where jazz was very popular in its society around the united states or probably around the whole global. Creating a music background have to fit to its purpose or the society of the film which is taking place in order to make the audience realises of how it was like in its time being or how most countries develop there social life and what type of interest they have. Overall an effective opening sequence must include a background music which will bring a lot of attention to the audience.

While watching the clips there are questions that came to my mind that made me very curious to know. For example watching the opening sequence of salaam Bombay I was curious about how the music was started out but made me realise that the place is probably produced in the middle east but the tone was very controversial how it began to change where you the kid walking as if he is the main character of the film. There were a lot of questions that came to my mind while watching the opening sequence.

· Why is everyone packing away?

Since I knew it was a circus due to the prop image that was shown where the kid was walking it said ‘Apollo circus’ therefore we already know what the kid is specialised in his duty. While he was walking everyone in the film was packing away and I thought that people are packing away because they have finished their show or they are getting ready to perform in another town.
· Why was the kid mistreated?

While he was walking around the circus he was talking to the animals saying ‘hey moti time to go’ it already explains that they are packing away and ready to perform in another city, but a person comes and warns the kid that his boss is coming this explains how there is a hierarchy in the film where there is someone who have power over a certain people and also fear where the kid looks very scared and terrified of the boss. This gives me an idea of how I can create a hierarchy system where there is someone who haves fear and create a lot of situation between the two relations. We can see how he was then mistreated by the boss where he was getting slapped around, this makes me feel very shocked of how the kid is being treated as a slave where he forced him to give him tinned meat in a town so therefore there is power and fear which creates a lot of controversy in the opening sequence.

· Where are the kid’s parents?

If he has a boss then where are his parents in my belief his parents may of died or he may of ran away from his parents I tend to find it very suspicious when the boss said to him ‘none of your tricks’ what tricks? Is he going to run away maybe just like he done to his own parents?

· Why is everyone packing away?

Why is everyone in a hurry of packing way It comes to my mind that they may be promoted or have a special event to perform in order for their business to gain success.
· What might come in his way by helping his boss?

While he was sent off to get his boss groceries what I found very effective was the music speeds up as he is running this creates how the boys is very scared and terrified of how he must perform his duty in order to survive this makes me very depressed of how I see a boy in his young age being mistreated and travel miles and miles to do his boss duties in order to survive himself. However there could be other situation that can come across since he is left out is going to run away again to become free or is going to stay with his boss or maybe is something very interesting going to come in his way.
· How is he going to meet up with his crew?

As he returns we see another shot of the kids face a he arrives we see the kid breathing deeply that he Is terrified that something must of happened in front of his eyes, the atmosphere changes as though something very unpredictable had just happened the music stops all of a sudden this makes me feel very confused and eager to know what happened why has he stopped and looked very shocked. Then as the shot changes it shows and empty space of where the people used to be of packing the props for the circus therefore I realised that everyone have left him. This made made very angry and depressed because the kid has no one to go with he is very young and is very mistreated and it creates a disturbing image to the audience of how kids are mistreated and effects their emotions to act in a different way e.g. it makes you feel that you should love your children and never mistreat them because how would you feel if was put into that position.

Overall by watching this film I have gain knowledge of how I can produce something that is very unpredictable and change the tone of the music where something comes across or shows the expression of a character e.g. the kid running because he is very scared so therefore they have used a fast paced music to fit with its purpose. I should always use props to give the idea to the audience of the main specialisation of the film. Finally I should always change the tone where something unexpected happens e.g. the music stops when the kid stops and becomes very shocked.

Many questions come to your mind while watching an opening sequence this is the reason why most film producers are successful of what they produce becua in order to gather attention from audience you have to make them curious and make them ask questions so therefore they will attracted to watch the whole film in order to find the answers to their questions.

This is very similar to the 8 ½ dream where in the beginning you see a person who is in a care in some traffic people will ask questions of
Is he going to work?

The reason why I asked my self this question was because the beginning shot was the man inside his car with an awful lot of traffic so therefore it comes to my mind that he is either late for work or late for an important meeting or he is ujust stuck in a traffic and becoming very frustrated
Why is everything packed?
He seems to be very squashed and there are a lot of people around that looks trapped and eager to be set free, it makes me feel as though they have been kept as prisoners or something depending on a bad situation.

How did he become trapped?

How did he become in this situation where is he going? Or how important is this meeting? Everything came to my mind when he was in the car as though he is waiting for something to happen.

Why is everyone staring at him?

While watching the clip I can see everyone staring at him feeling as though he is someone suspicious or committed something that lead to everyone’s attention. If everyone stares at him is he someone very special, if he is what makes him special? Many question and curious thoughts came to my mind by watching people giving the man a stare down

How did the smoke appeared?

While he was in the car the smoke appeared when he turned on the radion it made me very curious about how did the smoke appeared what cause has he done to make that smoke appear at of nowhere?

Why did no one help him?

As the smoke appeared he was suffocating trying to break free everyone was still staring at him with any motional feelings for example if you see someone suffocating and about to die you would react you will be screaming and having the eager to help the person out but in this case of the scene everyone was emotionless no one helped him and made me think why didn’t anyone help him?

What I thought was effective was when it was silent where you see the whole traffic and everyone stopping and staring at the person as if something very unusual is about to happen e.g. I thought the person was about to be beaten up by everyone or tortured or I even thought that everyone must of stared at him because they all hate him.The sound at the beginning was very disturbing you can hear the person scratching or banging the window trying to escape and it creates a outrageous image of him suffocating the background music they use for that particular action was well suited since it gave the audience the attention that the person is about to die. After the person dies he seems to be floating in air as though he is going to heaven so therefore we know that he died however after he was floating in the air what I found really strange was he was caught with a fishing rod by someone and was dragged down to the sea this made me feel as if instead of him going to heaven he was being dragged down to hell this shot was very ironic but very contraversal.Finally it all comes down to being unpredictable where he wakes up from the dream, at the beginning I thought it was real life where the person was trapped, but the mood change when you see something appearing out of nowhere for example the smoke then it become even more strange where he dies he is being brought up to heaven but literally dragged down to hell. This creates a lot of unpredictable thoughts to the audience where they don’t even realise that all the situation that happened in that scene was just a dream. This gives me an idea of how I can produce something unpredictable that will intrest or confuse the audience therefore it creates something magnificent as a whole.

This is also similar to Mohammed ali but very different where you actually know what the main character is specialised and know what time is this society take place into.
Questions I asked myself while watching the clip was

Why is the person jogging and wearing a hoddie?

At the beginning of the scene it was very unusual that I see a person running with a hoddie I thought that the situation was that he was probably running away from a situation trying to get away from someone and keeping his identity hidden or is he jogging for his personal exercise.

Why is he having flash back on someone is the person related to him?

While watching the clip where he is jogging he was having flashbacks on a boxing match so therefore we already know that this film is probably based on boxing. You can see two fighters in a boxing maths where you see one as the winner in my thoughts it made me think that is the person who one the fight is related to him or someone that comes to his mind while he is jogging?, He was also very angry and frustrated when you see him in a gym punching a bag and what I found very effective was the music which was jazz and it made me realise that this film is probably based in the 1950’s or 60’s where jazz was very popular in its time.Ali kept on having too many flash backs on the past which describes the main purpose of the film that he is a boxer who is probably seeking revenge person who is effected the segregation when you see him appearing at the Malcolm x conference meeting and also when the police calls him out when he is jogging so therefore it gives us the image of how segregation was like when people was very strict and religious on how to become equal and believe in defence.

Is he looking for revenge?

The person look very frustrated and angry it gives out how someone has experience the temptation of revenge in a time where mostly everyone was mistreated due to the race and religion.

Why did he looked confused when he was kid when he saw an image of jesus?

He had a flashback when he was kid he saw a prop of the painting of jesus therefore we know that this s film could refer to a religious category.

Who is he going to fight is the person he had a flashback is his next opponent?

As we know that he is specialised as a boxer we come to our mind of whats going to happen next if he is a boxer is he going to fight someone? was the person he had a flashback of was the man he is going to face? Yet again there are many questions which come to our mind while watching an opening sequence therefore this is effective because this will attract the audience to find out the answers to their question by watching the whole film. What I like about the effects was how they use the msuci which suited the main society of the film when they use jazz music where it was very popular in its time, also I liked the way that as he is punching the bag very fast the music pace begins to increase therefore we could see how the character is becoming more angry and vicious of seeking revenge. By watching the film I gained knowledge of how I can produce my own film by using background music which suits the purpose of my film e.g. using a grime music which explains that my film is related to gangs and thugs also what type of area that grime is mostly popular in i.e. London. I also gain knowledge of how a music can explain a persons feeling e.g. as the tone speed increases it explains and defines how frustrated or angry a person is. Finally I gained knowledge by watching this clip that by having a historical reference can explain the main purpose of the film and how the society was like therefore it could refelt on the audience e.g how a time was like where people was being mistreated or never had a chance to enjoy life freedom of life.

In conclusion by developing my research and knowledge I have looked at several clips of an opening sequence of different films. This helps me to gain knowledge and tips of how I can produce my own opening sequence and make it very effective by adding music which suits the theme of the film, adding amazing sound effects, create an unpredictable moment where the audience wont predict anything that wasn’t suppose to happen, create tragedy for example someone suffocating and eager to escape, I should always be able to produce good use of camera shots for example, instead of starting a shot of a person face why not make a shot being a persons back which will create a mysterious scene that people will wonder who is that person?, I should use props that will illustrate the main purpose of the film for example in salaam Bombay it showed the poster of circus instead of someone saying it is a circus the film wants us to see what type of category it belongs to and what does it relate to. Finally I should always produce with good amount of screenshots and still images which will create something amazing that will attract all audiences and all these types of research I have developed will help me to produce my own opening sequence which will be very effective and will gain a lot of interest to all audiences.

Monday 17 October 2011

How to make an Interesting Blog

I have deveoped my research on how to produce an interesting blog i have presented my research on Prezi which wont allow me to embed however i have setted out the link below so you can check out my presentation

Friday 14 October 2011

Prelim task Evaluation

1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the tasks between you? Explain how you organised your time and schedules. What issues came up with time management? What problems did you come up against? How did you deal with these? What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What would you do differenly next time?

Me and my partner Shanelle worked with the people from barking abbey school who were tom and komel we've managed to set out the role plays they were supposed to perform for our prelim task.We managed oragnise the location Reece which was in a history room in the media block also schedule the times for our cast to arrive for the preparation of our prelim task,we took alot of practise of how to use the camera with a tripod,a tripod is where An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera.I had issues of organising the cast for our prelim task because many of them was either worried or had other events to attend to apart from our event.Therfore i had to try my best persuading people to help us for our event which apparently i have accomplished of getting the cast for our prelim task.

2) How did you plan your sequence? What process did you use?

We've planned our sequence by producing a story board of our prelim task and also sketching out what screenshots we are going to take.Therefore we planned our work well organised and also identifies of any problems we might come across to of recording our prelim task.

3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it? What did you learn about using the cameras? Here you can also refer to the discussions we have had in class recently about digital cameras.

We planned of how to use a camera on regular basis and also how to use it with the tripod which have alot of functions to preform a screenshot.We had to be fiully aware of how to use the camera because if any damage may occur to the camera or the tripod we might have to pay a fine.We had alot of dicussion in class of taking different types of camera shots we learn of how to be more efficient of taking a meduim shot,long shot,close-up,Two shot which is basically having a shot with two people interacting with each other,As for our research we looked at other sequence for example breakfast at tiffanys and other several examples which we analysed of the camera angles that was taking in the opening sequence and how effective they accomplished of interesting the viewers.

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?

I have to know what type of camera shots i have to take for our prelim task so therefore we have to follow the 180 degree rule which is A rule stating that a camera should be placed somewhere inside 180 degrees on a particular side of the invisible line of a shot containing two people filmed in sequence. If the camera crosses the line, confusion results for the film viewers, because it makes it look like the people are switching places as one watches the film.


For our tripod i had to always check the spirt level so the camera shot will be straight and accurate instead og going into a different angle which would be unusual.

5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently?

Our sequence was sucessful since we prganised our settings very well without having any disruption from other students in the school.We also managed to have a secure and opened space to record our prelim task.We did have some issues of getting the cast but still managed to get people who was very interested and honoured of participating of being the actors for our prelim task.For the recordings we took our time setting up the camera,we did have some issues of knowing what camera shots we able to take and make it more effective but still managed to accomplish our shots and our action point.We used alot of differennt types of camera shot techniques which hopefully will interest our viewers and gain good feedbacks from our practising task.However i could of improve the recordings of our shot by making sure its not blury at the begining and wait for the camera to focus on our casts and the settings.

6) What have you learnt from completing the task? Discuss time management skills, group work skills, oraganisational skills and technical skills of production.

I have learnt many procedures and techniques of recording an actual opening sequence.I have all the ideas of what makes an openeing sequence very effective and interesting to watch i have managed to gain knowledge of how to use the camera with a tripod,how to take different camera shots/angles,plan our scene and gather cast meaning learnt how to persuade them to participate for our event.I have manage to develop our group work skills by communicating with each other and understanding the possibilities of how to create an effective scene.we manage to prepare everything for our prelim task which is to gather the equipment,our location reece,our knowledge of using the camera and the tripod and finally our knowledge of our to create and effective screenshot.

7) Post production - What did you learn about the editing process? How did you make decisions while editing? How did you plan your time to complete the editing task? What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What would you do differenly next time?

I use the programme called Adobe premire to edit my prelim task,Our techer have setted out instruction of how to use the programme and able to cut out the scenes that we dont need for our prelim task,me and my partner shanelle decided of what individual parts of our prelim task we decided to keep and cut out so our prelim task looks magnificant.We had help from our tecacher of how to add more effects to our scene for example adding a title and also speeding the limit ect.We took our time editing our scene with alot of descsions to make because we took alot of takes of our scene so therefore it took time to edit our video.In the future i will try and make practisises before recording the scene so it will be easier than just record a single scene than having the worries of making decsion of which scenes are more suitable and also have to be very cautious while recording to make sure the camera focuses first before recording the scene.

Monday 10 October 2011

Prelim task

For our prelim task we have to produce a short clip of someone who is running very late to school and then realises that as soon he/she enters the classroom someone tells them that school have already finished.

Before producing our prelim task me and shanelle have to book a room on the exact schedule of recording our scene so we asked permision to booked one of the history rooms in the media block.Also we manmaged to get the casts for our scene who were komel and tom,we basicallty told them about the actions to perform from our storyboards and the dialogue they were supposed to say.

While recording our prelim task we come cross alot of drawbacks from the history class we used,We eventually had to move tables and chairs since is was overcrowded so noone would get hurt while acting e.g tripping over the wires or the chairs.We had to make sure that everyone was not in the way while recording because it might of caused alot of damage to the camera and the tripod.

In conclusion we managed to produce our prelim task by organising our setting and making sure it is safe for us to record.