Sunday 30 October 2011

Short stories from the news

For my research i picked out three news stories around the whole global and try to analyse how i could create a film based on these concepts,i used varaities of informtaion from different news in different countries and explain my own intentions of how i would make a movie out of the real life situation that can occur anytime in the time being.

The first headline which I found was very interesting was a fist fight which occured in Italy parliament:

The website of this Headline:

  • This is a headline from italy which appearntly a fist fight occurred in a parliament event which I found very interesting of how I could create a film based on

    An action movie where I could see how 2 countries are going against each
    other about their economy or something that refers to the outbreak war
    against each other so therefore both men from the two countries have a
    fight in the parliament and agrees to have a great war with each other.

  • Might create a horror movie where a man dreamed to be a president but another
    man takes over and becomes the president so therefore the person feels
    very frustrated and angry so he attacks him and probably becomes a psycho
    and kills the people who has supported the other man or kill his family.

  • Might create a romance movie where both men are fighting each other over a women
    who probably create a scene where another man is sleeping with another
    mans wife and he then finds out in the parliament which cause an outbreak
    war between the two men

  • A sci-fi movie where a man probably discovers or founds an alien which hit the
    planet on earth and have to appear in a parliament meeting of the aspects
    of the alien but becomes frustrated as someone agrees to disterminate the

Overall the reason why i have picked this headline is because it amazed me how a fight could occur in a parliament where they suppose to deal with the whole economy and discuss the situation that is happpening to their own country,they should be working and cooperating with each other to solve any economic or poltical problems which is the needs for their own country,causing a fight doesnt solve anything and in this aspect of casuing a fight in a parliament is dispicable.Many things gathered into my my own of what is the purpose of why two men fighting each other in the parliament and in film conceptes i could produce any reason about this cause,so therefore producing something that is very shocking in real life may gather alot of interest to the audeince of have predictable thoughts about this cause.

The second headline i looked at was 'Spanish banks punished' which was about how the european union is trying to decrease the currency of spain.

Heres the image of the news article:

The website for this article is on the link:

The headline Spanish bank punished gave me an idea of how I could

· Create a bank robbery scene where two men are robbing a bank probably because they haven’t got no money or trying to get money for their children in need or because they have been ordered by their mob boss. Then there might be a scene where they get lockdown a been put into jail but manage to escape so therefore the police are looking for them everywhere and the two robbers are travelling the whole world to be in safer place with no harm in society

·Could create a romance scene where a guy has to rob a bank just to get the money for her wife’s operation.

·Create a comedy scene where two men cant even rob a bank so they just get put away in jail.

The final article i looked at was 'A weapon of mass confusion' This article is about how the european council agrees or promises that the eurozone leaders will bring out a 'Big bazzoka' in order to find a solution to the geek and euro crises.

The reason why i have chosen this article/headline is because it creates a sense of fear where the word weapon comes to mind which relates to war,violence,vengence,crime and any other particular bad situation that has occured in our world.The word 'mass confusion' how a number of people are indicated and placed with anumber of confusion in the local society so therefore meaning a massive of lives may be lost due to alot of confusions.This gave me a great amount of ideas of why this may occur and in film aspects i could produce as many situation that are mostly lilley to be a cause of this.

Here is the image of the article:

The link of this headline is:

My thoughts of how I could produce a film with this concept was:

  • The governments might go against there decision and create a massive war around the world

  • The special force army might try and take over the world killing innocent people and one manages to stop the whole situation by killing the governernment who provided the armed weapons

  • Might start a new world war 3

  • I could create something romantic where a soldier have to be forced to kill innocent people and finds someone he loves but forced to kill that person and It becomes a twist where he goes against all the troops and manage to take over the lead

  • Create a comedy film where two soldiers are forced to kill innocent people but mistakenly keeps on killing their own troops

    In conclusion

By looking at these headlines I had many ideas of how I could produce a genre to my story and create a big twist that will gain a lot of interest to my audiences. By watching news gave me ideas of how anything could occur in real life society and make something very different compare to others which are plain simple to realise. Therefore In this research I will try and see if I can use anything referred to the news and creates a film based on it.

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