Sunday 30 October 2011

Films i have watched throughout the week

Over the past week to gather everything I need to plan for producing my opening sequence I watched several movies from the internet or on DVD that I have brought.

Each of the movies have different genres and also have different concepts of how the produce an unexpected moment in a scene.

For this I will analyse three films that I have watched from this week from either the internet or on DVD

The first film I have watched is power rangers might morphin the movie

Mighty morphin power rangers the movie is a 1995 American superhero
action fantasy based on the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on Fox Kids.
It featured the characters and actors from the series itself the film stars with the regualr television cast of Jason David,Frank, Amy Jo Johnson, David Yost,
Johnny Yong Bosch, Karan Ashley and Steve Cardenas.

The reason why I have chose this film to watch in this week was because this film was based in a TV series for children which I thought it would be different where many films are produced for people to find out the concept of it whereas producing a film based on a TV series that many people watch will gather a lot of views since they have the interest of the features
in the TV series.

The main plot of the film After the Power Rangers participate in a charity skydive, a giant egg is unearthed in Angel Grove.Lord Zedand Rita Repulse
investigate the egg, and release the creature inside - Ivan Ooze, whom Zordon had trapped inside the egg 6,000 years earlier. Once released, Ooze leaves to seek revenge on Zordon and betrays Zed and Rita by trapping them in a snow globe and orders Goldar and Mordant to serve him. He disguises himself as a carnival wizard and gives free jars of purple ooze to children. Fred
Kelman, the Rangers' young friend, accepts a jar, and brings it home. Later, his father finds the jar and inspects the ooze. When he pulls some out of the jar, it zaps him with purple energy, putting him under Ooze's control, along with the other parents of Angel Grove, and Ooze uses them to dig out and rebuild his buried Ectomorphicon Titans. When the Power Rangers are sent
to fight Ooze's Ooze Men, the command Center is left defenseless. Ooze destroys it, leaving Zordon near death and causing the Rangers to lose their powers as a result. They must go on
a quest to find new Ninjetti powers on the distant planet of Phaedos. When Ooze sends his Tengu Warriors after the Rangers, they are assisted by Dulcea, who bestows upon the Rangers new Ninja powers based on six Ninja animals: the white Falcon, the red Ape, the yellow Bear, the blue Wolf, the pink Crane, and the black Frog. Dulcea directs the Rangers to find the Ninjetti Temple
to find the Great Power on their own, as she will age rapidly if she takes one step off the Ninjetti plateau. On their way, the Rangers battle a living dinosaur skeleton and at the temple
battle four living statues. When the statues are destroyed, the Great Power is
bestowed upon them and they morph once again. When the Rangers return to Earth, they find it under attack by Ooze's Ectomorphicon Titans, and call upon their Ninjazords to battle
the Titans. They destroy Scorpitron, and then prepare to battle Hornitor. During this time, Fred persuades the kids of Angel Grove that Ooze plans to kill their parents and rallies them to the construction site where Ooze directed the adults to leap to their deaths, and they form a defensive line to try and stop their parents while Fred, Bulk and Skull man a construction firehose to help slow them down. When Ooze fuses with Hornitor, the Rangers form the Ninja Megazord to try and destroy him. However, Ooze gains the upper hand. The Rangers form the Ninja Falcon Megazord and fly deep into space, with Ooze in hot pursuit. Billy comes up with
the idea of using Ryan's Comet, which is going to pass by the Earth, to destroy
him. The Rangers struggle fighting Ooze and Aisha hits an emergency button next
to her post, which causes the Megazord to kick Ooze in the crotch. Ooze
releases the Megazord and comes into contact with the comet, destroying him and
releasing the parents of Angel Grove from his spell. The Rangers return to the Command Center, but discover Zordon has died.
Realizing that anything is possible with the Great Power, the Rangers use this
power to revive Zordon and restore the Command Center.
The film ends with a celebration
in the Angel Grove harbor, thanking the Power Rangers for saving the world,
although Bulk and Skull claim that it was themselves who saved the day. During
the credits, Goldar takes Lord Zed’s throne and proclaims himself "King
Goldar ruler of the universe", with Mordant joining him. However, Zedd and
Rita walk in on them.

Since I watched he movie from YouTube I have embed

1st part

I have include links to the other parts of the film

2nd part

3rd part

4th part

5th part

6th part

7th part

My opinion about the film

By watching the whole film I thought it was very amazing the
way they put in with the power rangers theme song when they morph into their
powers this basically will gather all the interest and the demand from power ranger’s
fans by watching all their series. As a fan myself when I was a kid it was
amazing how they put up with the villain named Ivan ooz and created him more
dark and more firce however they did put him into a funny side the way he
controlled the people with his ooz and mind control where he made a person
dance into opera, but what didn’t recognise was the villain ooze ruled world in
6000 years ago and was put away from lord zordon this will bring the aspects
and unexpected moments to those who watch the power rangers series. I also like
the way they have new powers and the music background was very bright as if
happiness has come across when they gathered their new powers It peaceful and
relaxed, the music was very calm and abit depressing of how hard they worked to
try and defeat the evil since their lord is almost dieing.There was some fierce
and scary background music with Ivan ooze which created an evil atmosphere as
though he is powerful and very difficult to defeat for the power rangers.
Overall the film was magnificent of how they plotted with the TV series and
made into a massive jump where the power rangers gain new powers and the tragedy
of how zordon was almost killed from Ivan ooze which created a lot of shocking
moments to the fan thinking that is zordon really dead? What will come across
with the power rangers? Are the powers rangers are really over?
Many conclusive thoughts came to my mind while watching this
film which I reflected on the TV series of this concept.

Another filmed I have watched is called:

water boy

The Waterboy is a 1998 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci. It stars Adam Sandler alongside Henry Winkler,Kathy Bates, Jerry Reed, and Fairuza Balk. Lynn Swann,
Lawrence Taylor,Jimmy Johnson,Bill Cowher Paul Wight, and Rob Schneider have cameos.Sandler produced the movie and co-wrote the script with Tim Herlihy.

Plot of the film
Bobby Boucher is a socially inept,stuttering water boy with hidden anger issues due to
constant teasing and excessive sheltering by his mother (Kathy Bates).
He became the water boy for the University of Louisiana Cougars after being told his father died of dehydration in the Sahara Desertwhile serving in the Peace Corps. However, the players always torment him and the team's head coach, Red Beaulieu (Jerry Reed), eventually fires him for "disrupting" his practices. Bobby then approaches Coach Klein (Henry Winkler) of the South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs and asks to work as the team's waterboy. Coach Klein has been coach of SCLSU for years without success, after his brilliant playbook was stolen by Red Beaulieu. Bobby Boucher's mother, Kathy Bates tells Bobby of the evils of football and forbids him to play. Coach Klein shows Bobby his tattoo of Roy Orbison encouraging him to go against his mothers' wishes. After being picked on again by his new team, Coach Klein encourages Bobby to strike back, which leads to him knocking out the teams quarterback. Coach Klein convinces Bobby to go back to school and play for the team, to which he agrees on the grounds that nobody tells his mother. Bobby quickly becomes one of the
most feared linebackers in college football, hitting opposing players with injury-causing force. The Mud Dogs manage a winning streak and earn a trip to the annual Bourbon Bowl to face the Cougars and Coach Beaulieu. Bobby's newfound fame also allows him to rekindle a relationship with his childhood friend and crush Vicki Vallencourt (Fairuza Balk), who has been in prison multiple times. Coach Beaulieu reveals that Bobby never finished high school, making him ineligible for college and football. However, Bobby manages to pass his GED exam, despite his mothers objections about him going back to college. She then fakes falling ill to keep Bobby from playing, but eventually admits it after witnessing the residents support for Bobby.
Arriving late for the finals, Bobby manages to encourage the losing Mud Dogs to make a comeback. With Bobby's help, Coach Klein overcomes his fear of Red Beaulieu and creates new plays that allow the Mud Dogs to catch up. During the final play, Bobby throws a touchdown
pass and the Mud Dogs win the finals. Sometime later, Bobby and Vicki are getting married. On their way out Bobby's father makes an unexpected appearance, having actually left Bobby's pregnant mother for another woman years ago. He tries to convince Bobby to leave school and go to the NFL, hoping to personally profit as his father; but Bobby's mother charges in and tackles him down.

Here is the first part I watched from YouTube which i have embeded because of showing how they produced the opening scene effective and how they use a twist during the film,however i have set out links for the other part of this film

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

4th part

5th part

6th part

7th part

8th part

9th part

By watching the whole movie I thought it was amazing and
very funny that actually knocked my senses out of how someone who always been
bullied and always been terrorised since he was a kid managed to be a star
player of an American football team this was one of the biggest twist and
unexpected moments of this film to be honest I thought the person was either
going to be bullied for ever, tortured by his mum following her rules all the
time, always going to be laughed at however it became ironic how he managed to
step up his game and found a girl he marries and his mums accepts him as a mum
but what I didn’t expect was his dad returns and begging him to join forces to
make money but what I saw that very bizarre and funny was his mum tackled him
and knocked him out. Hopefully by watching this film will give me ideas of how
I can produce a twist with comedy references.

The final film that iam going to analyse which I have watched in the week is:

The passion of Christ

Is a 2004 American drama film directed by Mel Gibson and starring Jim Caviezel as Jesus. It depicts the Passion of Jesus largely according to the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. It also draws on other devotional writings, such as those disputed attributed
to Anne Catherine Emmerich.

The plot

The film opens in Gethsemane as Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan, while his apostles, Peter,
James and John sleep. After receiving thirty pieces of silver, one of Jesus' other apostles, Judas,
approaches with the temple guards and betrays Jesus with a kiss. As the guards move in to arrest Jesus, Peter cuts off the ear of Malchus, but Jesus heals the ear. The temple guards arrest Jesus and the apostles flee. John tells Mary and MaryMagdalene of the arrest. Peter follows Jesus at a distance. Caiaphas holds trial over the objection of some of the other priests, who are expelled from the court. When questioned by Caiaphas whether he is the son of God, Jesus
replies "I AM." Caiaphas is horrified and tears his robes and Jesus is condemned to death for blasphemy. Three times Peter denies knowing Jesus but then runs away sobbing. Meanwhile, the remorseful Judas attempts to return the money to have Jesus freed but is refused by the priests. Tormented by demons, he flees the city and hangs himself with a rope he finds on a dead donkey. Caiaphas brings Jesus before PontinousPilate to be condemned to death, but after questioning Jesus, Pilate sends him instead to the court of Herod as Jesus is from Herod's ruling town of Nazareth. After Jesus is returned, Pilate offers the crowd that he will chastise Jesus
and then will set him free. Pilate attempts to have Jesus freed by giving the people an option of freeing Jesus or the violent criminal Barabbas. To Pilate's dismay, the crowd demands to have Barabbas freed and Jesus killed. In an attempt to appease the crowd, Pilate has Jesus brutally scourged and mocked with a crown of thorns, yet the crowd continues to demand that Jesus be
crucified. Pilate reluctantly orders Jesus' crucifixion. As Jesus carries the cross along the Via Dolorosato Calvary, Seraphia wipes Jesus's face with her veil. Simon of Cyrene is unwillingly pressed into carrying the cross with Jesus. Jesus is then crucified. As he hangs from the cross,
Jesus prays forgiveness for those who did this to him and redeems a criminal crucified next to him. After Jesus gives up his spirit and dies, a single drop of rain falls from the sky, triggering an earthquake which destroys the Temple and rips the cloth covering the Holy of Holies in two, to the horror of Caiaphas and the other priests. Satan is then shown screaming in defeat. The story ends with Jesus rising from the dead and exiting his tomb.

I watched the whole film on YouTube here is the whole film:

By watching this film was very depressing and shocking I
began to have a lot of emotions and bizarre feelings that actually would torn
me apart, as we know the concept of how Jesus Christ (PBUH) died this film
showed us the tragedy that occurred to every the torture that Jesus Christ
(PBUH) have to cope with but still managed to forgive, this created a lot of
moral referring to Christianity and also Islam. It’s very depressing of how his
mother have also been treated unfairly and lost a great son it creates sad
feelings to everyone’s heart and gives them to feeling that we should never
harm one or another we should always forgive our souls. By watching this film
it made me realise of how I can create a film with sad and depressing moment
which will effect people’s emotions and change for the better good of society.

By watching these three films I wonder of how can I produce
a movie with such a brilliant idea so therefore I gathered some information or
headlines from the news around the world and found something very interesting that come across my mind.

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