Friday 14 October 2011

Prelim task Evaluation

1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the tasks between you? Explain how you organised your time and schedules. What issues came up with time management? What problems did you come up against? How did you deal with these? What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What would you do differenly next time?

Me and my partner Shanelle worked with the people from barking abbey school who were tom and komel we've managed to set out the role plays they were supposed to perform for our prelim task.We managed oragnise the location Reece which was in a history room in the media block also schedule the times for our cast to arrive for the preparation of our prelim task,we took alot of practise of how to use the camera with a tripod,a tripod is where An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera.I had issues of organising the cast for our prelim task because many of them was either worried or had other events to attend to apart from our event.Therfore i had to try my best persuading people to help us for our event which apparently i have accomplished of getting the cast for our prelim task.

2) How did you plan your sequence? What process did you use?

We've planned our sequence by producing a story board of our prelim task and also sketching out what screenshots we are going to take.Therefore we planned our work well organised and also identifies of any problems we might come across to of recording our prelim task.

3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it? What did you learn about using the cameras? Here you can also refer to the discussions we have had in class recently about digital cameras.

We planned of how to use a camera on regular basis and also how to use it with the tripod which have alot of functions to preform a screenshot.We had to be fiully aware of how to use the camera because if any damage may occur to the camera or the tripod we might have to pay a fine.We had alot of dicussion in class of taking different types of camera shots we learn of how to be more efficient of taking a meduim shot,long shot,close-up,Two shot which is basically having a shot with two people interacting with each other,As for our research we looked at other sequence for example breakfast at tiffanys and other several examples which we analysed of the camera angles that was taking in the opening sequence and how effective they accomplished of interesting the viewers.

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?

I have to know what type of camera shots i have to take for our prelim task so therefore we have to follow the 180 degree rule which is A rule stating that a camera should be placed somewhere inside 180 degrees on a particular side of the invisible line of a shot containing two people filmed in sequence. If the camera crosses the line, confusion results for the film viewers, because it makes it look like the people are switching places as one watches the film.


For our tripod i had to always check the spirt level so the camera shot will be straight and accurate instead og going into a different angle which would be unusual.

5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently?

Our sequence was sucessful since we prganised our settings very well without having any disruption from other students in the school.We also managed to have a secure and opened space to record our prelim task.We did have some issues of getting the cast but still managed to get people who was very interested and honoured of participating of being the actors for our prelim task.For the recordings we took our time setting up the camera,we did have some issues of knowing what camera shots we able to take and make it more effective but still managed to accomplish our shots and our action point.We used alot of differennt types of camera shot techniques which hopefully will interest our viewers and gain good feedbacks from our practising task.However i could of improve the recordings of our shot by making sure its not blury at the begining and wait for the camera to focus on our casts and the settings.

6) What have you learnt from completing the task? Discuss time management skills, group work skills, oraganisational skills and technical skills of production.

I have learnt many procedures and techniques of recording an actual opening sequence.I have all the ideas of what makes an openeing sequence very effective and interesting to watch i have managed to gain knowledge of how to use the camera with a tripod,how to take different camera shots/angles,plan our scene and gather cast meaning learnt how to persuade them to participate for our event.I have manage to develop our group work skills by communicating with each other and understanding the possibilities of how to create an effective scene.we manage to prepare everything for our prelim task which is to gather the equipment,our location reece,our knowledge of using the camera and the tripod and finally our knowledge of our to create and effective screenshot.

7) Post production - What did you learn about the editing process? How did you make decisions while editing? How did you plan your time to complete the editing task? What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What would you do differenly next time?

I use the programme called Adobe premire to edit my prelim task,Our techer have setted out instruction of how to use the programme and able to cut out the scenes that we dont need for our prelim task,me and my partner shanelle decided of what individual parts of our prelim task we decided to keep and cut out so our prelim task looks magnificant.We had help from our tecacher of how to add more effects to our scene for example adding a title and also speeding the limit ect.We took our time editing our scene with alot of descsions to make because we took alot of takes of our scene so therefore it took time to edit our video.In the future i will try and make practisises before recording the scene so it will be easier than just record a single scene than having the worries of making decsion of which scenes are more suitable and also have to be very cautious while recording to make sure the camera focuses first before recording the scene.

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