Thursday 5 January 2012

Similar opening scene (Cinderella)

Cinderella is a Disney animation film that gave me the idea of how they used the colours and present the charm and similar to high school musical very oeaceful and relaxing however it does include another mood of conflict between her sister showing an evil side of her family but a brighter and innocent side of Cinderella.

Overall by watching the opening scene of this film made me think of how I can present my character and her family member by making her the innocent one by her family member more evil and devastating which don’t allow her to become happy to enjoy the freedom of life.

Similar opening scene (High school musical)

The reason why I have chosen this film as a similarity to our opening scene is because it shows a nice peaceful and delicate night which gives a charmful mood for us audience and it creates a more happy tension and feels as if nothing harmful will come across with this peace so therefore this gave us the idea to create a more peaceful and happy mood in the 1st part of our opening scene but then add on another mood which changes the emotions of our audience feeling more disturbed and having Goosebumps.

Looking at opening scene like this is very touchy and gives out a great idea of how I can produce happier and a relaxing feeling that you can just take away all your stresses and make you more comfortable of watching.

Similar opening scene (Step up)

Step up is another film that has an opening scene where they present two different dance styles which is break dancing and ballet and we see how the film present both style and get the intention of them colliding into one.This opening scene is similar to ‘you got served with the dance battle but instead it’s a dance style battle showing both views of each of them. The idea of how this was similar is that in our opening scene ‘lets dance’ it shows both views of the girl practising and her sister as she comes up the stairs to be like an ‘intruder’ but different than ‘step up’ and ‘you got served’ we manage to include two different types of songs which is jazz to create a happy mood and opera to create a shocking and more of a disturbing mood and this type of feature didn’t include in the opening scene of ‘step up’ it only used one genre of the music which could be known as Rap or RNB.

Similar opening scene (You Got Served)

This is an opening scene that also had the similarities with ours which had the same fast paced mood but different emotions that are involved in these aspects. However this is one part of the film which does include an opening scene for 2 minutes that I found on YouTube.

This opening scene has the similarities where it jumps straight into the dance battle and we see the empathy and high tension of watching these performers to give the feeling to be more interacted and feel the enjoyment with these characters and this is what we added onto our film but instead of an enjoying moment we added a more disturbing mood for the audience where Emma finds our her sister is coming which quickly includes the fast paced movement of her quickly going into the bed to make sure she doesn’t get caught

Similar opening scene (Billy elliot)

Billy Elliot

The opening scene of this film that was posted on youtube wont allow me to embed the video so therefore here is the link to youtube to wacth the opening scene of billy elliot.

Billy Elliot is one of the films that had the similar aspects of opening scene to our film. As you can see the scene above it shows several of shots of Billy practising his ballet and also the music plays as her puts on the record. This gave us the similarities of using the same idea of producing a girl who is practising and stretching for her ballet and dignifies what she does in her social life. The effects of the opening scene was very creative and gave us the idea of instead of using a slow paced movement why not try a fast paced movement where something unpredictable may occur while the opening sequence.

We how comfortable and usually quiet immature of how Billy play and jumps around the house so therefore this immature of Billy gave us the idea of making our main character Emma to wear a wig.Billys personality in this opening scene is very logical of how he is very comfortable being by himself whereas with others he feels more shy and frightened as you can see where he gets beaten down I his boxing match we can tell that he doesn’t have an interest in boxing which indicates that Billy isn’t a very aggressive person but more assertive.

Films that inspires us

Through the research and development we looked at other films that inspired us to gain the idea of producing our own. As you know our theme for our aspects of film is relating to
obsession and by looking at other films helped us to gain ideas of how we can produce
something different and effective.

Ballet shoes

is a 2007 British television film, It was produced by Granada Productions and premiered on BBC
One on 26 December 2007.This story resolves with three adopting sister and also presents of how one of them manages to exceed her goal which is to become a famous ballet dancer this inspire us to create the same feature and personality of the main character who is shy and very innocent. The theme was very catchy and grabbed our attention to create a more peaceful and relaxing mood for our audience.However many peaceful time don’t always come across with happiness there is always a situation which creates a disturbing mood and a depressing motion for the target audience so therefore this film inspired us to create this attention and add the conflict between the persons family members since the girl has two step sisters we could create an evil characteristic of their sister leaving one with a pure and innocent characteristic.

Billy Elliot

Here is the trailer of Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot ids one of the film we admire the most because of the same obsession the Billy has towards ballet and also how he inspire us of giving the purpose of our film which is to never give up hope. He inspired us by going through a lot of conflict and disagreements from his father as he doesn’t like the term that he is interested in ballet. However in this pint of view Billy never gave up his dream and kept on going to fulfill that dream therefore this gave us the idea to produce a character who has an interest but come across disagreement and bad situation while the person keeps on going and going until, her achievement is exceeded. Not only this will inspire me but this inspire everyone as a whole who has an interest in something.

Sister Act 2

Sister act is one of the film that has the similar impalement where you should never give up hope
it does have the similar aspects of disagreement but hardly any conflict this film is about a nun who exceeds a music class to become a famous choir and winning a massive competition and this reward gave us the idea of producing a reward for a person who achieves their goal of becoming famous dancer which has the different prospects the goal that is achieved in sister act 2.One of the characters name Lauren Hill had the impalement of producing the same character who is very depressed because of their own family which don’t allow them to do anything with their social life except education and also how she is very keen of trying her best of what she wants to accomplish.

Overall with all the incitement of films above which has similarities with each other but in
this case our film ‘Lets dance’ will bring a new system and a new type of aspects of how a girl achieves her dream goal and throughout the whole research and the determination of finding new ways of how conflict and happiness can occur this will help to make our film even more effective.

Props list

There are a number of props that are going to be used in our opening sequence,
PRODUCTS, a DESK, a WIG, a RADIO, a MIRROR,a BED, a WARDROBE, some BALLET OUTFITS, some BALLETSHOES and some TEDDIES. We are going to get the props by
bringing in some of our own things, and some from elsewhere:

    - Rayhaan will be using his mothers hairdryer
    for this.

    AND OTHER BEAUTY PRODUCTS - I will be bringing these in.
  • DESK -
    This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
  • WIG
    - We will get this either borrow a wig from the
    media department, or get one from a shop.
    - This will be in the bedroom which we are
  • BED -
    This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
    - This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
    OUTFITS - The actress may bring a top
    and leggings, however if this is not possible our group will do our best
    to provide this.
    SHOES - Either I will bring this in,
    or we may borrow some from the media department if there are any and if
    not we may get them from a shop.
    - Tosin will be bringing these in.

    Shot 1: No props are used here.

    Shot 2: No props are used here.

    Shot 3: No props are used

    Shot 4: The props that are used here are PICTURES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE,
    going to be on a DESK. The PICTURES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE prop is
    going to show that Emma has a passion and an interest for fame. And the
    show her feminine side.

    Shot 5: The props that are used here are a WIG and RADIO on
    a DESK. The WIG is going to show that Emma wants to be someone
    different, and the RADIO shows that she likes to listen to music.

    Shot 6: The prop that is used here is a WIG which Emma is
    holding in her hand.

    Shot 7: The prop that is used here is a WIG that is on Emma's

    Shot 8: The props that are used here is a MIRROR a BED and
    some TEDDIES. This gives the audience a clearer view that it is Emma's
    bedroom and also a sense that she is still quite young and childlike.

    Shot 9: The props used in this shot is a WARDROBE and some BALLET
    OUTFITS. The BALLET OUTFITS show that Emma likes to dance and may be
    or previously have been a ballet dancer.

    Shot 10: The prop used in this shot is a pair of BALLET SHOES.
    This shows that Emma may have a aspiration to become a famous dancer.

    Shot 11: The prop used here is BALLET SHOES. Emma is holding them,
    showing she wants to put them on.

    Shot 12: The prop used is BALLET SHOES which is on the floor
    beside Emma.

    Shot 13: The props used here are a DESK with some MAKE-UP AND
    OTHER BEAUTY PRODUCTS and a HAIRDRYER on it. Emma is stretching on
    the DESK and she is wearing some BALLET SHOES.

    Shot 14: The prop in this shot is BALLET SHOES that Emma is
    wearing and dancing in.

    Shot 15: There are no props used in this shot.

    Shot 16: There are no props used in this shot.

    Shot 17: There are no props used in this shot.

    Shot 18: There are no props used in this shot.

    Shot 19: There are no props used in this shot.

    Shot 20: There are no props used in this shot