Monday 2 January 2012

Evaluation question 1

Q1) in what ways does your media product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE forms and conventions of real media products?

The film genre that my film ‘Lets dance’ is based on is teenage high school category referring to dance which involves with the theme obsession where someone e is obsess of doing something respectively as part in their social life. Our film refers to a girl who has a dream of becoming a ballet dancer. The main props that are used are girl clothing, ballet shoes, leggings and usually make-up and spray mostly everything that a typical teenage girl uses everyday of her life. The main feeling we desire for our audience o feel while watching this film is that all dreams can be fulfilled in other terms meaning to never give up hope and destiny while achieving a goal.

Form of opening scene

Lets dance

The main aspects of our opening scene was to present what a normal or any other typical teenage girl will do in her social life but we added a tragic effect where the girl is usually hiding or keeping a secret from her family. The main procedure of our opening scene was to show a girl named Emma who loves ballet and dreams of becoming a ballet dancer however she keeps a secret from her mother which apparently wants her to focus on her education so therefore Emma has to try and practise without being caught by in the aspect of the opening scene we added fast past tension and also peaceful terms in the begging we added both tension to where our main character Emma is entering her room and beginning to practise her ballet which she usually enjoys and wishes to accomplish in her future to be become a famous dancer.

Other films related

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot is also a film that is similar to our film since it included an opening scene which presents all different variety of shots of him stretching and practising for his ballet, therefore this is similar to our opening film where we also used variety of shots of Emma practising and stretching which the most effective shot in my opinion was the over the shoulder shot of the teddy bear.

High School Musical

‘High School Musical’ was also a similarity to our opening scene where they used an effective shot of a zooming in to the girl’s bedroom which we used this idea in our opening scene where we zoomed into Emma s bedroom to give a clear vision of her interest and her things she keeps in activities.


Emma is a innocent girl wand also a shy person who don’t usually have a lot of friends in school which she usually gets bullied a lot and also separated from others sop therefore she is very lonely. She never feels comfortable or very social with anyone except for herself which we presented this in the opening scene where she wears the wig and stretches this can indicate how she feels more comfortable by herself with other people around her including her family which she usually becomes paranoid if any of the family members finds out of what she is doing for example the hot where Emma sister is coming up ,Emma quickly gets changed, takes off her shoes and relaxes on her bed reading the magazine as if nothing happened. So overall she is very keen and paranoid when these situations happen. Emma has the reasons to feel uncomfortable due to her background image of her family which they are very strict and don’t allow to let Emma to feel free of doing anything of her interest except of focusing on her education which this mostly occurs real life aspects where a teenage girl wants to become either a singer or a dancer but has a parent which refuses this point of career to focus on something else on their own interest therefore we added this conflict to make it more inspirement for the audience.

Compare to other films

Sister act (Lauren hill)

film included a character that was similar to our film which her name was Lauren hill she was a girl who also had a dream the same personality which she is very shy and uncomfortable with together people and wishes to accomplish a goal where she wants to be a singer however the similar conflict comes across where her mother disagrees with her option because she wants her to focus on education and have a better life. This idea gave us the knowledge to produce a massive conflict where a mother doesn’t allow giving free choices for her daughter so therefore we see the depression and also present how strong the character is when she never gives up her destiny which is to become a famous ballet dancer.


A narrative is a constructive format (as a work of speech, writing, song, film, television, video games, photography or theatre) that describes a sequence of non-fictional or fictional events.

Lets dance

Emma is the main character of our film she has an interest and the obsession of doing ballet in her social life and also it’s her dream goal to become a famous dancer. As you know Emma is in her teens which we present this character as a shy and also an innocent girl who has a dream like most engage girls have in a certain age. Usually girls have a dream of becoming someone they wish in the future but don’t usually reach that goal so in the is aspects we product a film where we present a teenage girl who actually achieves the goal but through the disagreement and conflict between her mother.

Other films related

Billy Elliot

This was the main film that gave us the brilliant idea to use the aspects of the narrative. It was similar because of how both characters had the same dream which to become the ballet dancer and also had the same conflict between their own parents. Billy Elliot had the conflict between his father so therefore we decided to challenge the conventions of creating a conflict between Emma and her mother which swapped the gender to female and creating a feminine story behind this procedure.

Sister act

This was also another film that is similar because of an individual character named Lauren Hill which she had the dream that she wishes to fulfil but her mother wants her to focus on her education. We use this idea to add on to our plot of the film and challenge the convention of changing the purpose of a girl who wants to become a famous ballet dancer.


Lets dance

For the sound devices for our film we consider of using jazz to create a happy atmosphere and more like a peaceful term to make the audience feel engaged and relaxed for example we used this in our opening scene where Emma is putting on the shoes and the panning shot outside the house in a clear weather and also inside the room with the panning shot so therefore this created a happy feeling for our target audience. However another music that we consider of using is opera which is usually in our opinion well suited for this film genre as it relates to opera and with a lot of research we consider this as our option to use in the beginning of the opening scene where Emma finds out her sister is about to come up to her room so opera creates a fast past atmosphere which creates a tension for the audience to feel paranoid and have Goosebumps about Emma being caught so opera also includes happy charm and also fast paced as well as an dangerous moment so in other terms Emma’s mum is the one who disagrees on the enjoyment of Emma but in this case there is many reasons to consider this.

Other films related

Billy Elliot

This was a film that usually used a lot of opera music and also had the same genre and purpose of the film relating to obsession of ballet so therefore this film used music which to created a more relaxing and peaceful mood and also included a fast paced, paranoid tension with the conflict between him and his dad so therefore we used to same similar idea for our opening film to create the conflict between Emma and her mother.

You got served

This was another film which had the same similar aspect of sound which mostly had a fast paced tension to create more empathy and the enjoyment of this film was very crucial to the excitement and the happiness that it included so therefore we used the idea to create the similar motion and also this film did include depressing moments which almost lead the character to quit their dream but manage to carry on. So therefore the challenge for this film was to use the same aspects but present it with the theme obsession and the purpose of our film.

Lets dance

The costume that we included for the idea of our film was typical ballet material like leggings, ballet shoes and high socks because the main procedure or the purpose that this film relates to is ballet so indeed the costume will be needed for this is ballet clothing and also a school uniform as you know Emma is in her teens and goes to school for her education.


The main procedure of the props consider of items that usually are shown in a girls bedroom so in this case we manage to present all these props such as teddy bears,pillows,hair spray, wig and much more that we desire of including in a girls bedroom and we presented these props by having a panning shot around each and individual of the item and especially the pillows which includes the colour p9ik that dignifies feminism and also cut away shots of each props for example the zooming of the teddy bear and the cut away shot of the wig as Emma grabs it.

Facial expression-

Emma is always excited by herself and also haves the destiny of accomplishing what she wants to do so therefore we present this by indicating happy and more exciting facial expression as she wears the wigs and also the expression of fear when she hears her sister coming up the room and we also see how paranoid she is as she appears the room but eventually we added a facial expression where she fakes a smile to pretend she had done nothing against her family rules.

Body language-

Her body language the aspect of her stretching and feeling more relaxed and comfortable for example we presented this I our opening scene we she enters the room very quickly so she doesn’t give the attention of her family member to notice and also the way she skips to the chair and stretches however we also included a fast paced tension where she quickly runs to the bed so therefore this body expression shows how Emma is very calm and relaxed but also paranoid to not give her intentions away.

Make up-

Make up wasn’t necessarily used at this point of the procedure but the character of the film only needed to wear a bit of a makeup because of giving the suspicion for her mother to realise what she has been doing and we know this because her mother is very strict indeed and doesn’t allow Emma to enjoy what she desire to do.

Position in frame-

Our film was very accurate to frame the shots that were taken. The shots that we usually took were very hard and did take a lot of time to steady our patience trying to make every shot accurate and make sure there was not a single error of the position in the frame. For example we had to be very careful on shots where Emma was looking into the mirror to make sure it looked more effective not very off position for example the problem we had where Emma had look into the mirror we had to make sure the frame was very accurate and effective as if she is actually looking into a mirror and see her appearance clear.

Other films related

Billy Elliot

The position frame in this film was very crucial and accurate and this film related to how accurate our film was when Billy was practising his stretching and ballet movement so therefore we manage to use this idea and challenge to convention of variety shots of how Emma is preparing for her full training

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