Monday 2 January 2012

Evaluation question 4

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

Primary audience

These are the main audience in which we are trying to represent our whole basis of our film relating to the theme obsession. In this case we identified our target audience and observed why our film will interest their aspects.

Gender: Female

Since this film includes a main character who is a young teenager girl who wants to become a ballet dancer we know how this will be relating to feminism and other teenager girls who will be interested of seeing a girl who fulfils their dream. Also we showed this with the text that we included in our opening scene which was the colour of pink and white so yet again feminine colours are used for theses aspects.

Age: 8-20

As you know many young girls in a certain age usually love the terminology of feminism and also have the achievement they wish to become as a star so therefore we could see how this relates to girls aged 8 years old including how we show many shots of make up heart pillow and also a teddy bear. Another point that could be consider is where Emma wears the wig we can see how usually girls act in a immature way and also the volume of the music that has increased over time, these are usually hobbies that we predict that young teenagers will do in their spare time. However for the people aged 20 they are young adults who will probably be interested because of how they had a time where they were interested in ballet or had a dream of becoming a dancer but never had a chance to fulfil so therefore by watching this film it will attract them tom feel the happiness of how someone actually achieves their main goal.


The terminology of ballet and also for little kids it will interest them of how they dream of becoming a ballet dancer. It also will interest them of the music of ballet which will be opera so for young adults who have interest in opera will feel the peaceful atmosphere of watching this film.
They will also have interest of the clothing the girl wears we see how this film and the poster is very feminine since it includes the brightness and the glitterish polish and most importantly we see a small girl aged around 11 who is wearing a crown just o show the sweetness and the innocence of how this film will represent without no violence or anything typical such as action film,horror,thriller ect.

The things that we obviously we needed to include in our poster to attract our primary audience that we should at least include a small girl with feminine colours such as pink and glittery effects to subscribe the innocence and charm as though we are presenting this girl as Cinderella.

Why this audience would will be interested of watching this film?

The main cause or the concept of why they will feel the need of watching this film will probably be because it might have a small romance which may occur and as you know stereotypically that most girls nowadays are very interested into romance terminology.

Secondary audience

Gender: male

This film will also be indicating to the gender of male since many boys usually have an interest in ballet such as regarding to the film Billy Elliot he was a boy who had an interest in ballet so therefore we can refer to how boys also want to know how this girl fulfilled her dream to become a ballet dancer.


The reason why this age may consider for young boys will probably be because they will have the interest of becoming a ballet dancer and also will teach then the terminology of never giving hope and what you wish to become never give up until you reach the goal, the main prospect of this film is to give children encouragement of achieving the goal they wish to desire. However the reason for the age for 20 year old is because young adults may have a younger sister who wishes to become a ballet dance so therefore they can use the terminology of this film to encourage their younger sister to fulfil their dream or most boys usually look p for these films because of older women which may be included so therefore men have a interest of watching these types of film.


may be interested in ballet as for some of them for example Billy Elliot and more famous ballet dancer, some boys may watch the movie depending on how they like to see someone who fulfils their dream. Most importantly their main interest of how the film could refer for most boys of fulfilling their own dream not only in ballet but in any type of dance such as street dancing, pop dancing ect.

Why would this audience be interested of watching this film?

Most boys usually watch these films because of how they see the attraction to girls this terminology mostly happens where boys have the encouragement to feel attracted to the film because of the actors they may fancy. They could either watch the film because maybe most boys usually have a little sister who they depend on by fulfilling their dream of aspects

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