Monday 2 January 2012

Evaluation question 5

Q5) how did you attract/address your audience?

The main prospect of gaining the achievement of attracting our target audience was to try and promote our film by creating a poster for our film. Our main objective is to try and attract not only our target audience but a whole variety of people who haves an interest about ballet .I usually presented some of these terms with camera shots and also how they were use to present the audience about the main purpose of this film.

With the setting we had a panning shot outside the house which indicates that opening scene is taking place in a house in someone’s rooms, we included a soundtrack of jazz that gives a funky moment we included credits that will indicate our film procedure by showing the casts name including our main actor for the film and also used made up names that relates to a real life film production. The colour we used for the credit text was pink and white which gives a feminine colour and also represents charm and peaceful terminology. The editing process of our film was very illogical and it id took a lot of time of trying to edit because of a variety of shots we had for each scene so therefore me and my group had to decide and cut down the best shots we had and also we had to keep additional shots to make it even more effective and show our creative skills.

We managed to use our time thoroughly of finding copy write free songs on the internet which we used a soundtrack for our opening scene they both related to the music genre of jazz and also opera we cutted down to the high pitch tone which suited for the scene where Emma is quickly packing her equipment away before her sister comes and finds out what she has been doing. throughout the whole opening scene we used 2 music and at the end of our opening scene we used the name of our film ‘lets dance’ as the music increase it s tone this creates a sensational moment for the audience and it feels as though Goosebumps had occurred while name had strucked up as soon the tone reached its maximum.Threfore by covering the main key terms of our opening since this attracted our audience to give an uprising moment for the them to feel relaxed and also worn out of fear as the sister is coming up.

We used a variety of props in our opening scene that we managed to attract our audience Props.
Props such as teddy bears and pillows was presented in a panning shot to give the audience a clear idea of where the place is set and what type of person is Emma regarding to her interest and the feminine that is used to present in this opening sequence. We had used Props such as shampoo, makeup, hats, masks, DVD player and CD cover, anthology (English book) was presented in a panning shot to give the aspects of what she does in her spare time and what facilities does she use and also I sued the main prop which was the mirror which we used a medium close of Emma looking into the mirror and putting on the wig.
Ballet shoes was the main props where she had to wear the shoes to give the indication of the main purpose of the film and give the brief for the audience to know what she is doing
The Bed was used as a props since manage to create the bed using the blocks from the drama room and also using the bed sheet and mattresses from the props room. The main action was to record a bedroom scene where Emma is practising her ballet so therefore the camera shot that we used for her putting on the ballet shoes was a close up and had many cut away shots in many directions of her putting on the shoes to give the intention of how she dignifies her training and creating a fast past movement of the girl.

We used magazine as a props to show her trying to fake the situation from her sister that she is just reading the magazine even though she was practising for her ballet we used a close up shot of her flicking through the pages of the magazine and then a long shot of her looking to her sister and giving a fake smile by showing this aspects this will represent of how the girl is trying to keep her secrets thoroughly and try not to give the intentions of her sister as though she is doing ballet so therefore we know how she is trying to keep things to herself without anyone knowing it. Finally The Jewellery was used as prop to show how the place was settled as a girl’s bedroom.

In our opening scene we used a variety of mis-en-scene which we included facial expression of Emma where we expresses her shockness when her sister was coming up the way we presented created a shock and making them feel terrified. The reason for this expression was to attract the audience making think of many questions in their mind and also predictable moments that they think that might occur so therefore they will ask ‘who is the person that is coming up?’ who is she trying to keep clear of’? what is going to happen’? yet again there are many questions that the audience will like to know and by watching the film they will get the answers to the question as we showed her sister opening the door, the way we presented of her sister opening the door was used as a cut of shot of her hand we created a short of a mysterious moment of her sister but yet again this gained shocking feelings and Goosebumps t o our audience to wonder what will occur next. The colour of our font for the credit was pink and white which ensembles feminism and also gives out the charm and peaceful terminology of our opening scene. The lighting of our scene was broad day light outside the house but in the room we used the lights and pretty much the only lighting we had for our opening scene. The position of the frame was very accurate we manage to frame every shot we wanted to take but we had o make sure that everything wa in it place for example the props was in place not out of place to make our opening scene more realistic and doesn’t give out the intentions of making our opening scene very unthoughtful.

We used different types of variety shots from different angles on every props and setting that took place and we used these shots repetitively on each scene that took place so when we had a chance to edit we can decide on which shot will be highly suitable and look very creative so therefore this attracted the audience to see our we manage to make everything in our setting standed out and make sure that our character is well represented as the main character for this term. The body language of our character were stiff at first since she didn’t know anything of how to perform ballet but we had someone who was a dance performer to teach the basic stretching and also the basic moves of ballet so therefore we had the advantage to take different shots of this for example the most effective one was the over the should of the teddy bear that actually gin attraction to the audience to see the whole aspects of what she is practising on and also the teddy bear will resembles the charm and also how the girl is very calm and relaxed ,the whole procedure of using th prop as to create the peaceful term about the girl. We used songs that belonged to the genre of jazz that created a happiness moment for our audience which actually gives them a relaxing and more as a desire moment but we managed to use opera for the second part to create a high tension for the audience and we tried to make them feel very concern and predict that something is terribly going to happen due to the increase of the tone but manage to calm it down after a while, we attracted the audience by making them feel more relaxed at one point but suddenly feel uncomfortable and feel very frightened about the predicting moment.

I usually wanted to expect all audience to feel the charm and the peaceful term about how our film presents our main character. Most of the time she is always happy by herself and feels comfortable of doing anything such as when she puts on the wig which of course is the concern of embarrassment of wearing a silly old wig in front of everyone so the audience can tell how happy and more relax she is by herself. The type of genre my film belongs to is a teenage high school drama because the film indicates girl who is a teenager and wants to focus on her ballet but she comes across many situation that she avoids so therefore we can see this is also relate to the drama content of her having to do many things at once. The themes that I have chosen attracts the audience because they also have the experience where they keep secrets and make sure they don’t get exposed so therefore have o great an existence of managing to do everything at once so therefore our film relates to Billy Elliot where at once he has to pretend he goes training for the satisfaction for his father but also go to ballet for the satisfaction for himself so therefore relating to our film Emma usually focuses her education for the satisfaction for her mother whereas Emma also focuses as the same time on her ballet for the satisfaction she wants to achieve in the future.

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