Monday 2 January 2012

Evaluation question 2

2) How does your media product represent social groups?

Social group is the term where it consists of two or more people who interact with one another and who recognizing themselves as a distinct social unit. In simple terms this is defined as a group in a certain age or gender which the purpose is usually aimed at. So therefore the social group that our film is aimed at is teenager girls age between 13-16.Because of this prospect is that usually teenagers at a certain age have a dream or a goal which they want to fulfil and this is usually a stage where they begin trying to reach their goal and follow the path of their future and achieving that goal.

However while achieving that goal many things can come in the way which can cause closure of achieving that girl which usually happens to most teenagers frequently where they want to fulfil their dream but their dream are always ruined by certain situation so therefore by producing this film will be aimed at these teenagers to give a brief of someone who achieved their goal and refilled their destiny to give a subliminal message that they should never gave up an keep trying to reach your main goal.

As you know our main character for our film is called Emma and she is the girl who wishes to fulfil her dream of becoming a ballet dancer.


  • Her interest are obviously involves with ballet which we basically have the idea from the film Billy Elliot since his interests’ was to become a ballet dancer but he had to come across many situation and disagreement from her mother so therefore we made this similar as Emma will have a disagreement from her mother as she wants her to focus on her education but she manages to fulfil her dream and pleases her mum to accept her goal.

  • Another interest that Emma has is watching dancing programmes such as strictly come dancer, this is a popular dance series in BBC one which includes as many dancing style that present and also includes soundtracks that I usually found very interesting to use in our film opening with music such as jazz and opera this will indicate the happiness and also a fast paced moment where she tries and keep everything hidden from her mother.

  • Loves to do makeup as she tries and dress up as a ballet dancer so therefore she uses props such as wig and ballet shows of course to start practising and understand how she looks while she is performing.


  • She is aged 13 which is basically referring how most girls usually have a goal that they want to achieve but never managed to achieve so in other terms she is in an age where she starts to the path for her future (still in school)

    Background image

  • Her ethnic background is an African culture mixed with British since she is living in a state of Britain and has the characteristics of the British people.

  • She is a very quiet and also sneaky character where she tries to hide things from people such as trying to get way from her mother making her think she is up to nothing we related this term to Billy Elliot where he always tries to hide things from her parents and this most frequently occurs in drama series such as east enders where someone always keeps a secrets but always makes us wonder of ’when is he/she going to find out about this?’

  • She is always a paranoid character where she usually panics a lot and tries not to give way her intentions; we can see how she really wants to aim this dream because she always wanted to become a dancer when she was a little girl.She is usually left out by herself in school because she is usually a girl who is weak at becoming a ballet dancer in her after school club so therefore she gets private tutored by a professional teacher. In more aspects she wants to prove to these people that she can fulfil her dream an show how much better she is than anyone else in the class.

    Representation of these aspects

    I usually presented some of these terms with camera shots and also how they were use to present the audience about the main purpose of this film:


  • So therefore I used close up and long shot of Emmas bedroom filled with magazines, teddy bears and also posters of famous people so therefore we can see the concept of someone who is interesting of becoming famous and regarding to the feminism that is involved with these shots


  • Used a variety of close up camera shots with pillows and also the wig which is the props that Emma will sued to put on her head

  • Props such as teddy bears and pillows was presented in a panning shot to give the audience a clear idea of where the place is set and wahat type of person is Emma regarding to her interest and the feminine that is used to present in this opening sequence

  • Props such as shampoo, makeup, hats, masks,dvd player and CD cover, anthology (English book) was presented in a panning shot to give the aspects of what she dowse in her spare time and what facilities does she use and also I sued the main prop which was the mirror which we used a medium close of Emma looking into the mirror and putting on the wig.

  • Ballet shoes was the main props where she had to wear the shoes to give the indication of the main purpose of the film and give the brief for the audience to know what she is doing
    Bed was used as a props since the main procedure was to record a bedroom scene where Emma is practising her ballet the camera shot that we used for her putting on the ballet shoes was a close up and had many cut away shots in many directions of her putting on the shoes to give the intention of how she dignifies her training.

  • We used magazine as a props to show her trying to fake the situation from her sister that she is just reading the magazine even though she was practising for her ballet we used a close up shot of her flicking through the pages of the magazine and then a long shot of her looking to her sister and giving a fake smile by showing this aspects this will represent of how the girl is trying to keep her secrets thoroughly and try not to give the intentions of her sister as though she is doing ballet so therefore we know how she is trying to keep things to herself without anyone knowing it.

  • Jewellery was used as prop to show how the place was settled as a girl’s bedroom.


  • No dialogue was used of this filming process but we thpo8gutht of having a dialogue of her sister calling her name from downstairs to give the attention to Emma that she has to quickly get changed before her sister finds out what she is doing so therefore for the sound effects we used a fast paced music mainly opera where as soon as her sister comes up the tone of music increases and creates a disturbing atmosphere and creates a shocking moment where the audience feel that she wants her to hurry before her sister comes an finds out about what she is doing.

    Sound effects

  • In this filming process the noise from the staircase was used to give the intention for the Emma to realise that her sister is coming up and also we used a high tone with the violins as Emma turns around to give a surprising moment for the audience and making them wonder about cause of his tragic movement.

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