Tuesday 1 November 2011

Story idea 1

By gathering all my research and development and also discussing ideas with my group who I was working with tolsin and Rachel we Discussed the concept of making a story for a film and bringing the aspects of how it could relate to real life situation, so therefore me Rachel and tolsin gathered ideas of how we can create a movie from the research we done about the short stories from the news.

These are the two stories that we are interested of producing a film:

1st film

This headline was from the research of Rachel’s development where we actually made a final decision of how we can produce his aspect into a film this headline was about the Russian children mixed up at birth which both of the Childs family was Discovered that they were mixed up in birth so therefore both families were awarded $100,000 at compensation.

The website of this headline


The image of the headline

Many things can happen in real life situation and this is one of the main popularity as we see a lot of tragedy between childhoods and they way they act as they grow up so therefore we thought of how we can create a lot of tragedy of how a girl keeps on having flashback of her childhood to
her birth and find something very unexpected and shocking which creates an attitude
for a girl to either black mail or commit something very uncertain.

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