Wednesday 30 November 2011

Location reece new*

We had alot of trouble organising the location reece so therefore we made a final decsision of using studio and turning it into a bedroom which we plan to stick with the old opening sequence.Overall this took alot of time consuming of trying to get the props and all the equipment we needed to make it look like a girls bedroom here is several images of the studio we manage to organise.

Thursday 24 November 2011

My film movie poster

Based on our research and development me and my gorup decided our target audience that our film will hav the encouragment to.We had to organise and know the terminology of our attraction that we trying to give to our audience in order to make our film very sucessful and interesting to watch.

As i gathered all the information about our target audience and what interest they will require i have produced my own individual film poster and me and my group had decided to call our film 'Lets dance' underneath is the poster i have produced on Adobe Photoshop CS3.

What are the main colours used in the poster and what do they connote?

The main colours i used for the poster was pink which empathises feminism and also red with the text that will indicate of the most important company or people that subscribed for this film aspects.I used brown or light brown as the background colour which basically suits the atmosphere as though she is performing for a ballet,in my mind the colour brown reminds of ponies or horses which basically many young girls do fascinate into ponies and horses so therefore its a reason why i have chosen brown as a background colour for this poster.

What symbols are used in the poster?

Well the symbols i used was the big C on the top left to show the company that it was produced by because usually most films have a logo of the company that is either sponsered by or porduced in many aspects.I also used the PG sign to indicate what age group this film is based on so therefore as you know the age group isfor this film is for 8 years to 20 years old and to use this image makes it more realistic as most of the film posters uses thses symbols of age group to indicate th age the film is suitable to.

Do you need audience foreknowledge to decode the symbols?What are the main figures/objects/background of the poster?

Well the audience can already identify the purpos of this film and also the main target audience as they can see a young girl and also a PG sign so therefore we know the terms that this film is suitbale for younger children in a certain age.I used the programme photoshop to produce my poster and for the brightness of this poster i used a layer and blured abit more so therefore we can see the gliterish effect of the girl which looks very fascinating.For the background i earased some of the bits which had some hidden text so therefore i got rid of them so we dont see any text that are not involved with the film poster procedures.

Are they represented photographically, graphically, or illustratively? Are the messages in the poster primarily visual, verbal, or both?

They are represnted graphically as i edited the image from google and add the effect to it making it look more gliterish and also add some blur to some of the background the messages that iv included which indicated the speech from avrious people such as the sun we verbally used to bring the idea to the audience to understand how the film is fascinating and just to bring the attention to the audience about the film.

Who do you think is the intended audience for the poster?

the intended audience is where The demographics of the people that a product or service is designed for so in other words i believe this will be effected at the audience who are mostly girls which we see the feminin materials that are used in the poster.

Given that all movie posters have the same purpose - to get audiences to go see a movie - what persuasive techniques are used by the poster?

The persuasive techniques that i susually admire of using text from famous companies that watched the movie so therefore we could see a feedback and see how the movie will gain good reviews so therefore the audience will admire and be more interesting to watch the film themselves.

Which genre conventions are referred to?

This genree is reffered to ballet which will be involved with the obession of the the girl wants to bcome a ballet dancer.

Is a star used as a USP (unique selling point)?

In this aspects of the film a unique selling point will be a great advantage of gaining good reviews and more attraction to the audience so therefore we highly admire of atleast having a movie star that will gain alot of views fromthe audience and will grab interest to their terminology.

Are "expert witnesses" (ie critics) quoted?

As i included quote above that gained review from i included a witness from the US president barak obama which will be a great advantage to show to his citizen of a film of his interest and also people will admire the preseident of what type of interest he does in his spare time.I included the quote 'a must watch film' by barak obama this will mean hat the film is very higly recomended to watch adnd a movie that cannot be misssed.

What pleasures (gratifications) are promised by the poster?

The pleasure of the poster will indicate happiness from a young child so therefore this will be aimed at adults who usually see themself when they used to be a kid and always wanted to become something they always dreamed off but never had the opportunity this will gain alot of pleasure from them as they see a yound child who had the same dreams but actually fufils them.

How is attention gained (humour, shock, surprise)?

The attention gained that i will consider will be shock where i included the slogan above the poster 'where dreams can be fufiled' and also will bring pleasure and a sweet feeling for the little girl on the front cover mostly adults will have the sweet and tender feeling in their heart for the child.

How much does the poster tell you about the institutional context of the movie's production?

the poster explains the main pupose of the film and also shows the nevolvement that will be in the film procedures we could see that the name 'lets dance' already empathises that the main concept of this film will be based on dancing however wee see another concept where it also includes 'Where a dream can be fufiled' we see how this will be involved a big interest of someone who had the dignity to accomplish something they want in life.Overall we see the movies production as we could see the producers and the evidence of feedback which is backed up with the films interest that will admire the target audience.

How important is this information on the poster (think about information hierarchies)?

The informaion of this poster is important because this empathises the main urpose of this film which is about a girl who wants to fiufil her dream and become something she always dreamed off but we can also tell how there will be an outcome as we can tsee the inocent face of the girl which gives us the feeling that she is going to overcome someone who disagrees her dream.

How important a part of the whole marketing campaign is the poster?

The main purpose of marketing is to try and grab or draw a many attention to the audience.A good advertisment will conclude of many people becoming interesting about the film and backing up with feedbacks can show how the flm is fully recomended of watching.

Where is the poster placed?

The poster will be placed in public areas such as schools,college,university mainly an education purpose as the child is in her teeens this will reflect on most girls in a certain age so an advanatge will be to post this in school areas.

How expensive was this poster to produce?

There were no charge of producing this poster as i created it onphotshop,a software made for edtiting processes of multimedia.

Target audience 1:



Interest:The terminology of ballet and also for little kids it will interest them of how they dream of becoming a ballet dancer.It also will interest them of the music of ballet which will be opera so for young adults who have intrest in opera will feel the peacful atmosphere of watching this film.
They will also have interest of the clothing the girl wears we see how this film and the poster is very feminine since it includes the brightness and the glitterish polish and most importanlty we see a small girl aged around 11 who is wearing a crown just o show the sweetness and the innocence of how this film will represent without no violence or anything typical such as action film,horror,thriller ect.

Why would these audience will be intereted of watching this film?
The main cause or the concept of why they will feel the need of watching this film will prbably be because it might have a small romanc which may occur and as you know stereotypically that most girls nowdays are very interested inot romance terminology.

Target audience 2



Interest:may be interested in ballet as for some of them for example billy elliot and more famous ballet dancer,Some boys may watch the movie depending on how they like to see someone who fufils their dream.Most importantly their main interest of how the film could refer for most boys of fufilling their own dream not only in ballet but in any type of dance such as street dancing,pop dancing ect.

Why would these audience be interested of watching thi film?

Most boys usually watch these film because of how they see the attraction to girls this terminology mostly happens where boys have the couragment to feel attracted to the film because of the actors they may fancy.They could either watch the film becuase mabye most boys usually have a little sister who they depend on by fufilling their dream of aspects.

5 films watched from the past six months that refer to this terminology:

  • Step up

  • you got surved

  • happy feet

  • billy elliot

  • street dance

Overall in my terminology i think it is an effective poster as the colurs the quotes and also the heading looks effective an fit for the purpoe of this film and maily the quotes are very supportive as it will show the audience of how the much the film gained good reviews and a film that is highly recomended to watch.The camera shot of the girl doesnt look basic it gives a look of a innocent girl a young girl who looks confident a sees the opportunity she wants to compete in.The glitterish effect or the brightness effect shows the charmin of the girl so therefore the main aspects of this film is peaceful more feminine and more relaxing to watch as you can finiallysee a girl who actually fufils her dream.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Actors that relates to our character

As you know that the term of our main purpose is about a girl who has interest of become a ballet dancer i looked at other actors in film who had the same interest and actually fufil their dream in reality this will help my research of gaining new ideas of how to develop and bring out the attention of our character for the opening sequence.

The first actor i found that related to our characters purpose of the film was:

Billy elliot

As we know billy elliot is one of the famous actor who also had interest in becoming a ballet dancer but not only he wanted to fufil his dream it was more difficult while his dad was furious of him becoming a ballet dancer instead of a boxer so therefore we see how we can relate this actor of our character have the same background image of the same parents who refuses their childs interest.

To make our research more conclusive i interviewed billy elliot about is life and how did he develop of trying to keep his secret from his father:

Me: hello and its a great honour to meet one of the famous actors and not only the actor a dancer who actually fufil their dream

Billy:why thank you its a honour to me you to

Me: one of the question i had in mind was why did you pick ballet as your interest instead of boxing?

Billy:well boxing wasnt my interest at all i was usually bullied and always get my head knocked out and always lose my memory so i lost interest because i didnt want to become beaten up from the rest of my life

Me:why did you pick ballet as your interest?

Billy well there was many reasons why but cant figure out how to explain it its just how i usually see the peace and calm when you hear the music and someone slowly moving and dancing,its just the fact that ballet is very peacful and relaxing and also the excercise is far more supperior so therefore no need to get knocked out to be fit.

Me:Did your dad accept the fact you wanted to become a ballet dancer?

Billy:At first no becuase he wanted me to become a boxer just like my grandad so yh i put him down sadly but he saw what i was really interested in and as a father he accepted my choice

me:did you have to keep secrets from your dad and how did you accomplish this procedure?

Billy:well i had to keep secrets from pretending i came home from boxing by wearing the gear and usually he checks sometimes in the gym but iluckly had a friend of mine who knew what i was really interested in and he always told my father that i went home a while ago but it was very easy to get away with but didnt last that long

Me:thank you for having the time to awnser my questions and wish you the best

Billy:thank you and again its my honou

Another actor i have interviewed was:

Eleonora Abbagnato

began her dance training in 1990 at the Formation à l'Académie Princesse Grâce in Monaco and then at the Centre Rosella Hightower in Cannes. In 1992 she entered l'Ecole de danse de l'Opéra. She entered the POB Corps de ballet in 1996, became coryphée in 1999, sujet in 2000 and finally in 2001 première danseuse.

So therefore i also interviewed Eleonora Abbagnato about her life abd dream of becoming a ballet dancer:

Me:nice to meet you its a great honour to meet someone who fufiled their dream

Eleonora:Its a honour to me you to thank you

Me:so when did you first start ballet?

Eleonora:when i was only 13 years old i was so intrested of becoming a ballet dancer but my mum refused and wanted me to focus on my education

Me:Then how did you manage to fufily your dream?

Eleonora:wll i did focus on my education ut couldnt wait any longer so i saw a club in my school which had a private session of ballet so i joined so i managed to keep a little secret from my mother but not for long

Me:how long did she manage to find out?

Eleonora:there was a day when i finished my session on ballet and i realised that my mother was waiting for me outside school becuase she told me when she dropped me off to school so i was in deep trouble so therefore i packed up all my clothing and quickly changed into my school uniform but what i forgot to do was to change my ballet shoes so therefore i came out and my mum saw me wearing the ballet shoes and that was the time she realsied

Me:what happned after?

Eleonora:she then gave a relly biug lecture but at the end she understood of what i really wanted to become so therefore i finished my education and became and ballet dancer by also going to acdemey of dance.

Me:what music do u perform while practising?

Elenora:well have to say opear because its peaceful and more relazxing and you get the rythum of doing something fantastic and magnificant.

Me:thank you for you time that is all

Elenora:your welcome

Monday 21 November 2011

Opening sequence Treatment (problem solved)

Emma is a dedicated and determined sixteen year old girl who loves to dance her heart out for anyone. She had dreams of being the 'next big thing' in the dance industry of preferably ballet world since a very young age and believed that one day she would make it and become incredibly famous and well known in many countries around the entire world. Since a young age her dad left her so a father figure is missing in her life as left her single mum to look after her. Her mum doesn’t show any support to Emma as she feels that she is not good enough to make it and should just concentrate on her education in which she is then guaranteed a successful future. Her admired dancers, from Billy Eliot to, Lydia Lopokova and aspired to be just like them in a couple of year’s time which the legacy which built themselves around. Emma practiced every night after school until she had self confidence in herself to show that she was a good dancer. Despite being told by many of her closest friends and family members that she could not dance, and had two left feet, she then pushed herself to do the best that she could possibly do. Emma would not let them put her down and lower her self-esteem and courageous attitude, even though what her friends and family were saying was true. Instead she decided to take it as a negative criticism and push herself to continue as she could not face a life where she was not famous. This dedication that first started off as self belief, developed into an obsession with dance in general. She believed that she could dance to any genre of music as she is quite flexible and versatile to all types of genre’s if she put her mind and her heart to it, and so she practiced long and hard. Emma started to watch constant dance programs copying important moves she could show off to people.

Since her new and current obsession, she tended to be alone and wanted her own company, as she believed that she should commit her time to dancing until she eventually became famous. She did not want any distractions whatsoever. She was striding down the corridor one day, dancing along to the most famous opera song that she was listening to, when her attention was drawn to a poster that said, “Do you have an ambition to become a famous dancer held right here in the school? If so, then this is your once in a lifetime opportunity. Head over to the main hall next week at 1pm when we will be holding our auditions for the dance academy club. The winner will be awarded a special prize in which they will be able to audition for a famous celebrity judge! Make sure you do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity. And remember it’s once in a lifetime, so head on over!” Emma's face lit up with joy, she was so excited that she was literally jumping up and down. Could she, Emma Nestlington, become the winner of this “once in a lifetime opportunity”? What if the celebrity judge was someone who would introduce her to her idols in the ballet industry and get signed to their theatre? She had to prepare. Ever since a young age, Emma had just dreamt of standing on a stage and performing in front of millions of people and this could be her big chance.

Her mum is constantly worried sick about her in where she may be coming home late missing dinner etc.

For the next couple of days, Emma concentrated on practicing for the massive audition. She only turned her phone on for when she wanted to listen to music, the rest of the time it was off, or either on silent so she could not hear it or see it. Instead, she put on the television, and switched through the various music channels. She imitated their dance moves with her own little flava getting it as accurately possible, paying close attention to every detail. She even sometimes tried to copy the dance moves. Maybe this would perfect her routine, and give her an easy one-way ticket to auditioning for that special celebrity judge. Then all of a sudden Emma gave a massive grin, as she heard the routine that she was going to perform for her audition. This could perfect her chance of winning.

It was eventually the audition day that Emma had longed for, for days. She had to get it right. She was outside the stage curtains fiddling with her fingers, and tapping her foot anxiously, when her name got called out. Emma perked up with courage, and marched with confidence onto the stage. She looked at the three school judges and waited for their command to start dancing. When it was given, she started getting into her routine, and dancing her heart out. Expecting an outburst of laughter like she usually got from her friends and family, she heard a massive round of applause in which the judges told her they have got links to companies in America which would be delighted to see Emma sign to their label.

By the age of 21 Emma made it with flying colours earning a salary of over a million pounds a year and is still and upcoming rookie in the dance industry with still a lot to learn and is constantly improving while dancing.

Opening sequence props list (before problem)

There are a number of props that are going to be used in our opening sequence, like some PICTURES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE, a HAIRDRYER, MAKE-UP AND OTHER BEAUTY PRODUCTS, a DESK, a WIG, a RADIO, a MIRROR, a BED, a WARDROBE, some BALLET OUTFITS, some BALLET SHOES and some TEDDIES. We are going to get the props by bringing in some of our own things, and some from elsewhere:

• PICTURES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE - We will get this prop by printing some images of famous people from Google.
• HAIRDRYER - Rayhaan will be using his mothers hairdryer for this.
• MAKE-UP AND OTHER BEAUTY PRODUCTS - I will be bringing these in.
• DESK - This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
• WIG - We will get this either borrow a wig from the media department, or get one from a shop.
• RADIO - This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
• MIRROR - This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
• BED - This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
• WARDROBE - This will be in the bedroom which we are using.
• BALLET OUTFITS - The actress may bring a top and leggings, however if this is not possible our group will do our best to provide this.
• BALLET SHOES - Either I will bring this in, or we may borrow some from the media department if there are any and if not we may get them from a shop.
• TEDDIES - Tosin will be bringing these in.

Shot 1: No props are used here.

Shot 2: No props are used here.

Shot 3: No props are used here.

Shot 4: The props that are used here are PICTURES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE, A HAIRDRYER and MAKE-UP AND OTHER BEAUTY PRODUCTS. These are going to be on a DESK. The PICTURES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE prop is going to show that Emma has a passion and an interest for fame. And the HAIRDRYER and MAKE-UP AND OTHER BEAUTY PRODUCTS props are going to show her feminine side.

Shot 5: The props that are used here are a WIG and RADIO on a DESK. The WIG is going to show that Emma wants to be someone different, and the RADIO shows that she likes to listen to music.

Shot 6: The prop that is used here is a WIG which Emma is holding in her hand.

Shot 7: The prop that is used here is a WIG that is on Emma's head.

Shot 8: The props that are used here is a MIRROR a BED and some TEDDIES. This gives the audience a clearer view that it is Emma's bedroom and also a sense that she is still quite young and childlike.

Shot 9: The props used in this shot is a WARDROBE and some BALLET OUTFITS. The BALLET OUTFITS show that Emma likes to dance and may be or previously have been a ballet dancer.

Shot 10: The prop used in this shot is a pair of BALLET SHOES. This shows that Emma may have a aspiration to become a famous dancer.

Shot 11: The prop used here is BALLET SHOES. Emma is holding them, showing she wants to put them on.

Shot 12: The prop used is BALLET SHOES which is on the floor beside Emma.

Shot 13: The props used here are a DESK with some MAKE-UP AND OTHER BEAUTY PRODUCTS and a HAIRDRYER on it. Emma is stretching on the DESK and she is wearing some BALLET SHOES.

Shot 14: The prop in this shot is BALLET SHOES that Emma is wearing and dancing in.

Shot 15: There are no props used in this shot.

Shot 16: There are no props used in this shot.

Shot 17: There are no props used in this shot.

Shot 18: There are no props used in this shot.

Shot 19: There are no props used in this shot.

Shot 20: There are no props used in this shot

Sunday 20 November 2011

Story idea 2

Many things can happen in real life situation and this is one of the main popularity as we see a lot of tragedy between childhoods and they way they act as they grow up so therefore we thought of how we can create a lot of tragedy of how a girl keeps on having flashback of her childhood to
her birth and find something very unexpected and shocking which creates an attitude
for a girl to either black mail or commit something very uncertain.

This is the story that I thought will be interesting to plot referring to this headline to the 2nd film

This was used from my research and ideas I have gathered from the headline news which is
called ‘weapon of mass confusion’

This is a headline basis of how the European governors decide to give special armed weapons to the European leaders to take control over their currency and local environment. In my thoughts I have discussed with my group of how I could make this headline into a film, I had many ideas as you know from the post I recently added to my blog which describes different genres that I could include however as a whole we decided to make one conclusive plot to a film for this headline

Website of this headline

Image of the headline

Therefore i have presented my ideas for this in prezi to show all the aspects that i can imagine of producing this category into a film.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Opening sequence the features and filming ideas about presenting main character

While preparing for our new opening sequence where we had alot of errors previously due to the location reece we didnt organise for so we finally manage of preparing eveything but in the spare time that me and my group had, we discussed about the main character of our opening sequence ,discussing her personality and features and her background image.

While producing all our ideas on a sugar paper presenting all the categories that relates to the girl personality,we also decided of the camera works that we could use to produce these methods and also what will be the facial expression,the mise-en-scene and more technical features that we can present to our viewers about this character benath is the image of the ideas me and my group presented on sugar paper which as you know this will be our main character for our opening sequence.

As the image above isnt very clear at all i have produced the main points from the idea and cretaed a table on prezi but most of the points on the paper aint included since we only included the important points which will be used or presented in our opening sequence.

Overall the main ideas will help me and my group to understand of how we can present our main character to our audience and give them the attention and the amazment about this character.
This will help us to analyse of how other films manage to accomplish this objective by making the main character more effective and making the audience have alot of predictable concepts.

Opening sequence Location Reece problem

While planning and also preparing for our opening sequence we had a major problem with the location Reece.Apparenlty the pimmision that we had with the location reece at the house was rejected due to the housework that was still in progress and also the rooms wasnt very professional done or completed since the owners as for myself included just recently moved and therefore it would of been very difficult of preparing our opening scene in this matter

However we managed to create a new story board with the same feature of the girl becoming a balley dancer but we manage to find a location reece in school that recently had the permission from one of the P.E department staffs so therefore the opening sequence will still occur and hopefully we will accomplish our main objective.

There will be more post on the AS Final task which will include new location reece,story board and moodboard treatments.

Friday 18 November 2011

Opening sequence costumes

Below are similar images of what my group and I would like our character to wear. These will represent our character Emma like she has a passion for ballet and fame and it will show our audience this too.

Below are similar images of what my group and I would like our character to wear. These will represent our character Emma like she has a passion for ballet and fame and it will show our audience this too.

The ballet costumes and the ballet shoes images are something similar to the costumes that we would like our actress to wear to show that she likes dancing, and that she may have had a past to do with ballet. The images of the wigs are also something similar to what we would like our actress to wear to show that she wants to be someone different

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Opening sequence Shooting schedule

Before making our final shoot for our opening sequence me and my group had to organise ourself of what will be involved in each shot that will be taken for our filming process so therefore we gathered all the props and all the shots that will be taken for each scene.


The beginning of the shooting process will start at 9am in the morning which this will be first shoot out side the house.

Shot Number and Shot Details

· Shot 1, Longshot of the sky

· Shot 2, A panning shot down to the located house

· Shot 3, A zoom in follow through shot through to the bedroom

Props in the shot and where they need to be:

There will be no props that will be involved with these shots of the opening sequence

Character(s) in scene
There will be no characters who will be involved in these particular scenes

These particular shots will be produced indoors the time that we will predict of coming to this shot will be the minimum of 10am

Shot 4
A 180 degree close up shot of the surroundings of the characters

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· PICTURE of famous dancers , which will be located on top of desk
· MAKE-UP, will be located on top of the desk also
· BEAUTY PRODUCTS, will also be located next to the make-up on top of the desk
· RADIO, will be placed on top of the desk

  • WIG, will be placed on the desk

Character(s) in scene:

Shot 5
Another 180 degree shot of which we see an arm on the radio

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WIG, will be placed in the middle of the desk

character(s) in scene:
· 1 Characters arm

Shot 6
A cutterway shot of the character’s hand grabbing a wig

Props in the shot and where they need to be:

· WIG, will be placed in the middle of the desk

Character(s) in scene:
· 1 Characters arm

Shot 7
Close up of the back of the characters head where we will see her nodding her head

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WIG, in the centre of the shot on the characters head

Character(s) in scene:
I character which will be the girl

Shot 8
Midshot of what is behind the character, hiding her identity

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· MIRROR, as the reflection in the middle of the shot
· BED, will be in the back of the shotTEDDY, will be on the characters bed

Character(s) in scene:
1 character of the girl

Shot 9
Over the shoulder shot of her wardrobe

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WARDROBE, further in the background
· BALLET OUTFITS, stuffed in the wardrobe
· CLOTHES, to hide the ballet shoes
· WIG, on the characters head

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 10
tracking shot of removing the clothes off from the ballet shoes

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WIG, on the characters head

· CLOTHES, cover the shoes, centre of the shot

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 11
A cutterway shot of the character over

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· BALLET SHOES, we see a glimmer of what they look like centre of the shot

Character(s) scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 12
Over the sholder shot of the girl strecting

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
No props will be used in this process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character

Shot 13
A midshot of the girl practising her dancer moves which again wont show the face of the girl so the shot will be below her face.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
which will be worn by the girl

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 14
Medium shot of her mum coming up the stairs which will be a cutaway shot of her feet. the sound tempo will increase.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
No props will be used for this filming process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 15
A midshot of her mum ready to open the door to unrevealed her daughter.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
no props will be used for this filming process.

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

Shot 16
Cut off shot of the mums hand holding the door knob

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
No props will be used for this filming process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

Shot 17
Two by shot of the door slightly opening the sound effects will be used and it will show half of the bedroom inside.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

Shot 18
Close up shot of the mums face peaking through the door which there will be a sudden flash

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
no props are used for this filming process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

These are all the shots that will be concluded while producing the opening sequence so therefore this analysis will help us to organise and prepare ourself without having any doubts dueing our filming ther may be a slight change during this process but the main idea is that these shots and the props that are involve in each shot are very accurate of how me and my group gather the idea of the story.

Friday 11 November 2011

Opening sequence Location Reece

For our preparation for producing our final piece of task which is to produce an opening sequence we have to prepare our equipments and any other accesories which will be valud for our task.For this process i have indicate the locatiuon reece which will be filmed at my house.The reason for this is that its very close to the school so therefore there is no worries of taking any transport or anything that might cause any corruption to the camera or tripod and also it will be easier to produce in my house since i have just recently moved the house is still in progress to be finished so therefore the floorings and the decoration havnt been complete this is very accurate for our story to show the reason why the girl wants to become a star to gain fame anfd reputation to provide for their family so by showing this its shows how the house is not fully completetd yet and the reaso0n for this may be because the family havent got enough wages,and also ddescribes the aspects of why the moither wants her daughter to focus on her education.

These are the details of our location reece in which shots will be taken in variety of scenes shows the explantaion of any advantages or disadvantages which may occur while filming our opening scene

Location details

Outside the house (on the pavement between the road)


it will look magnificant of how we can produce our opening scene starting from the sky showing the brilliant aspects of the atmophere which the road is very queit and not very distractive.

Possible problems

The weather might be a problem of filming outside the house and also some cars might b in the way of recording and the equipment might be abit of a problem of setting up the process of filming the opening sequence.

risk assessments

This can cause problems on the camera which might damage the materials,the electrical currents inside the camera and also the lenses.However with the tripod it might not be a cause of the cmewra after all since it will be secure so insome cases if the weather condition is very porr such as raining might need to use an umbrella on the camera so no water can effect the camera system or we have to either wait until the rain ends.

Inside the house entrance corridors


there is alot of space and the atmopshere of the entrance is superb of filming an 180 degree shot there is alot of room space which we can get through with our camera and any other equipments.

Possible problems

In this case the problem is my pet (cat) basically it depends on if the cat is in the house or not and also in the entranccorridor there is a possible problem with a desk next to the door.

Risks sessments

Theres a risk of the cat messing up the cables or the equipments of our recording system and also might be in the way while we are recording so in this regual basis we have to try and keep the cat out of the recording area or in some cases the cat may be useful as a prop for our recording or could be used as a backgrouynd display or anything to do with our rcording.However the cat may not be a big problem since its not very distractive and very vicous it may not be a veryy big problem for us.With the desk next dorr its very hard for us to move into a secure place because the wireless router is pplugged into the system which is stuick between the desk so therefore have to find a solution of sorting out the cables ect but agian its not a big problem since we have alot of space to record our opening scene.

Stair case


It will look magnificant of creating a panning shot with an 180 degree and also it will be more simplified instead of having the trouble of moving the camera around instead of leaving it in one place and only turning it in a slight degree angle.

Possible problems

The space of the stair case is very short so therefore it creates of problem of recording the opening scene in a small space where the camera with the tripod might not fit the process in this scene.

Risk assessments

While trying to fit the camera in the short space of the staircase many situation can occur,the camera might fall down the stiarcae meaning it to brake or damage any accesories with the camera.Also with only the short space that is provided it wont be easy to produce a scene where the mother goes up the stairs so therefore we might need to solve the solution by making two shots of this scene.

Outside the room corridor


there is alot of space where we can record the scene and also the atmosphere suits for its ppurpose as the flooring of the house hasnt been fully produced where the florring its wood planks we can see why the girl wants to become a famous balle dancer due to the fame she will br provided however we can also see how her mum wants her tofocus on her education because of the the wages that she is provided since we will give the audience the notic of the state of these people are living in.

Possible problem

the floorings may be a big possible problem of recording the scene where the mother walks into the corridor before entering the room.Another possible problem is that there might be boxes that is in the way of producing the scene which is also the unpacking system that i still need to do with my house.

Risk assessments

The floors may contain nails which is a very big hazard that if someone might step on the nail it might hurt them so therefore we have to be very cautious of the floors outside the rooms and also we have to be caustious of not dropping the camera or damaging the tripod.Finally with the boxes that is in the way i can organise them by putting them in the loft where they supposed to be but insome cases if i never putted them in the loft it will be a short space provided for recording the scene and people might tred over them and causing a big hazard and getting themself hurt.

The bedroom


The benefit of this roomis that there is alot of space to be recorded and the atmosphere suits of its purpose as since our fist shot will be zooming into the window it will be the exact room that we are going to film in.The room has the needs of producing the film which already includes most of the props that is to be needed such as bed,mirror,hairdryer ect.

Possible problem

A possible problem of this room is that there are many cables which is in the way e.gtv cables,laptop cables ect and also the bed may be a possible problem.

Risk assessment

Many cables could be a risk of people tripping over them and cause alot of huge situation where they might be injured so theefore a solution may be to sort or orgainse the cables so its neat and very organised without having any hazard effecting our recording.With the bed we need to put it in a different place ot make our scene more accurate so therefore a rsik may be is that it can cause alot of trouble moving the bed since its very easy so therefore we either have a solution of leaving the bed in its place or trying to be very careful of moving the bed without damaging any equipment with the camera and the tripod.


There are many problems that may occur while recording our opening sequence byut by planning it throughly we can identitfy of how we can find a solution of orgainising our filming without any disruption of hazards.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Opening sequence The whole basis of film first draft

Emma is a dedicated and determined sixteen year old girl who loves to sing her heart out for anyone. She had dreams of being the 'next big thing' in the music world since a very young age and believed that one day she would make it and become incredibly famous and well known in many countries around the entire world. She admired singers, from Beyoncé to Michael Jackson, and aspired to be just like them in a couple of years time. Emma practiced every night after school in front of the mirror, using her deodorant as a microphone, until she could afford a proper one. Despite being told by many of her closest friends and family members that she could not sing, and sounded like a cat being strangled, she pushed herself to do the best that she could possibly do. Emma would not let them put her down and lower her self-esteem and courageous attitude, even though what her friends and family were saying was true. Instead she decided to take it as a negative criticism and push herself to continue as she could not face a life where she was not famous. This dedication that first started off as self belief, developed into an obsession with the music industry and singing in general. She believed that she could sing any genre of music if she put her mind and her heart to it, and so practiced long and hard. Emma started to listen to her headphones constantly, mouthing what the singer had said during her break and lunchtimes at school, ignoring the world.

Since her new and current obsession, she tended to be alone and wanted her own company, as she believed that she should commit her time to singing until she eventually became famous. She did not want any distractions whatsoever. She was striding down the corridor one day, miming along to the lyrics of a song that she was listening to, when her attention was drawn to a poster that said, “Do you have an ambition to become a famous singer? If so, then this is your once in a lifetime opportunity. Head over to the main hall next week at 1pm when we will be holding our auditions for an amazing singing competition. The winner will be awarded a special prize in which they will be able to audition for a famous celebrity judge! Make sure you do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity. And remember its once in a lifetime, so head on over!” Emma's face lit up with joy, she was so excited that she was literally jumping up and down. Could she, Emma Nestlington, become the winner of this “once in a lifetime opportunity”? What if the celebrity judge was someone who would introduce her to the music industry? She had to prepare. Ever since a young age, Emma had just dreamt of standing on a stage and performing in front of millions of people and this could be her big chance.

For the next couple of days, Emma concentrated on practicing for the massive audition. She only turned her phone on for when she wanted to listen to music, the rest of the time it was off, or either on silent so she could not hear it or see it. Instead, she put on the television, and switched through the various music channels, listening hard for what genre would suit her voice best, although already believing that any genre would. She imitated their voices, getting it as accurately possible, paying close attention to every detail. She even sometimes tried to copy the dance moves. Maybe this would perfect her routine, and give her a one-way ticket to auditioning for that special celebrity judge. Then all of a sudden Emma gave a massive grin, as she heard the song that she was going to sing for her audition. This could perfect her chance of winning.

It was eventually the audition day that Emma had longed for, for days. She had to get it right. She was outside the stage curtains fiddling with her fingers, and tapping her foot anxiously, when her name got called out. Emma perked up with courage, and marched with confidence onto the stage. She looked at the three judges and waited for their command to start singing. When it was given, she started projecting her voice, and singing her heart out. Expecting an outburst of laughter like she usually got from her friends and family, she heard an outburst of clapping hands from the judges was instead. Her face was speechless, and she had a tear in her eye as she walked off from the stage, and back through the curtains awaiting the results nervously.

It was now five years later and Emma Nestlington was now twenty-one years of age, and she was peeping out behind a stage curtain. A big smile had now appeared on her face as she ran out onto the stage and sang for a massive audience.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Preluim Final task

This is the final video i have produced for my prelium task.

Opening sequence script final draft

As i have produced the first draft of my opening sequence me and my group made the final descsion of how we are going to produce our opening sequence.

Scene 1 – Ext Outside house
Establishing shot of the location and buildings circulating her bedroom
Longshot of the alley, to show the dark side
Longshot of the house
(Sky is a mixture of blue and dark, maybe occasional shower)

Scene 2– Interior of the house
180 degree shot around the whole atmosphere of the corridor exploring the house

Scene 3-interior inside house
A medium shot will be used, a shot of the corridor and Emma’s room. Sound effects and music will be played inside her room increasingly as the camera moves.

Scene 4- Interior inside the room
Room is colourful and spacious, adding a feminine perspective to emphasise the gender of Emma.)
(Props will include hairbrush for the character to pretend to sing, mirror for her to imagine herself being a worldwide singer reversing into reality that there may be a possibility of it occurring)180 degree shot again hearing Emma sing.

Scene 5 – Interior inside the house
Cutterway shot of her mum’s shoes as she is walking up the stairs. We see her peeking in so see what her daughter is doing. Door is half open.

Scene 6 – Interior of the house, inside her room
Match on reaction will be used as she will notice that her mum has seen her.She then will lie on the bed – Medium longshot

Scene 7 – Interior of the house, inside her room
We will see the mum come briefly then leaving again. We will use a medium longshot

Scene 8 – Interior of the room, inside the room
Close –up of Emma where she will have a flashback where she was given as lecture by her mum as we explore the reason why her mum doesn’t want her to sing. She believes that she should focus on her education.Match on reaction on the depression of Emma’s face.

Scene 9 – Interior of the room, inside the room
Over the shoulder shot as she see Emma pull out a magazine saying ‘live auditions’. Also see Emma’s eyes that she is startled.

Scene 10 – Interior, outside the room.
We will then again see a medium longshot of the mum peeking in to see what she is up to this time.

Scene 11 – Interior of the room, inside the room
We will then see Emma hiding the magazine and ripping off the poster which she will slot under her pillow .We will then see a blank screen to end the sequence.

Friday 4 November 2011

Opening sequence story script 1st draft

This is the first draft of the opening sequence that I come with by the discussion that me and my group had of producing the film related to the theme obsession so therefore by creating a draft me and my group will decide what type of particular shots we are going to take and which one we ill change and make it more effective.

Scene 1-exterior outside the house

Establishing of a long shot out side a house which will zoom into the house as if we are going inside to explore the atmosphere of the house.

The sky is cloudy and has a windy atmosphere which will cause the sound of the breeze

Scene 2 –interior inside the house in the corridor zooming in

There will a 180 degree shot around the whole atmosphere of the corridor to the stairs and also will be zooming into the stairs as if we are exploring around the house.

Scene 3-inteori of the house outside the room

There will be a medium shot of a rooms door which sound effects/music will be added but have the effect of the music inside the room not without, we will have a shot of zooming into the room door as if we going to see what’s occurring inside the room.

Scene 4-interior inside the room

Shot inside the room with a 180 degree turn to show the atmosphere of the room, the room will be with bright colours and will be seeing another medium shot of Emma singing in the mirror

Scene 5 -interior of the house

Another cut off shot of her mums shoes as if she is walking up stairs and we see another peak shot of her mum peaking in which we will see a close up of her face as she peaks in.

Scene 6- interior of the house Emma’s room

We see another shot of Emma quickly hiding the wig and lying down on the bed as if nothing had occurred in the room

Scene 7- interior of the house inside Emma’s room

Another shot of the mum going out side the room and closing the door this will be a cut away shot as the door closes

Scene 8
This will switch to the shot of where Emma sits down and have a flashback where she was given lectures by her mum we see the reason why her mum doesn’t allow her to become a singer because she wants her to focus on her education. The camera shot of this process will occur of a two by shot of the mum and Emma communicating with each other showing all the depression and frustration of Emma

Scene 9
We comes back to the normal state of Emma and reads a magazine we see an over the shoulder shot of her reading a magazine about famous singers and celebrities. Then we a close up shot of Emma’s eyes and see that something grabs her attention as though she had found something amazing

Scene 10
We see another shot of the girl reading the headline on the magazine saying live auditions on a particular date this shot will be a close up of Emma’s face as wee see the suprisement and the excitement.

Scene 11
We make another medium 180 degree shot of Emma jumping with joy around the whole room

Scene 12
We then see the mum yet again peaks into the door with the same shot of a cut off as she opens the door

Scene 13
We quickly see Emma hiding the magazine and the poster she ripped off and become to her normal self this will be an over the shoulder over Emma as she sees her mum peaking into the room.

Scene 14
As her mum leaves we then have another close up shot of Emma as though she is thinking and having hopes and a sudden flash comes which will be the last shot of this opening sequence

In conclusion the main aspect of this procedure is to come up with an opening scene that me an my group decided to create then overall make a draft of our own opening scene to see what aspects we will come up with by deciding the main draft in our group.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Opening sequence Mood Board For Treatment

As for our film that me and my group had discussed and plotted the the whole film of what are the aspects that are going to occur our main focus is to how we going to produce an effective opening sequence for our film which is related to the theme obsession

Opening story

Our opening story is going to begin with a shot outside a house which brings us to a shot inside house of a girls room where you a girl who is singing and looking into a mirror wearing a wig, which is contained with sound/music without any dialogue which is the main concept of this opening scene is to not include dialogue which will make the audience think of any predictable moment s that are going to occur in the film. However a parent of the girl peaks into the room to see what she is doing which leads to the girl quickly hiding the wig and becoming to her normal state on the bed as she doesn’t want her mum to know she is interested in singing and dreams to be a singer to gain high population around the whole global, she then have a flashback of how she was told off by her mum when she asked her if she was allowed to go to the choir and we see the aspects why because her mum wants her daughter to focus on her education which brings back to her normal state again where she is reading a magazine about famous singers then we see shot of her being surprised and very happy she rips out the piece of paper which we then see her mum peaking again>the girl then again hides the piece of paper underneath the pillow as if nothing occurred then she takes it out then we see the paper saying live audition on a certain date which the girl becomes surprised and having hopes as if she is going to fulfil her dream which the opening scene will finish with a sudden flash.

In the prospect of this opening scene it has to be very effective for the audience to be more interested to watch because uncertain films which are shown on television for example many people want to see something very interesting that will grab their attention if it doesn’t they will switch to another channel so therefore by making a catchy and more attractive opening scene it will be a successful option of grabbing the audience interest which they will want to watch more with questions and predictable moments in their minds.

Images that will inspire the concept of the theme obsession

These are the types of images that will be the basic concept of the theme obsession showing the actual need of performing an action to either grab attention or what they do in their social life.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Research of films relating to the theme obsession

As me and my group decided the theme and the basic genre of the film we are going to produce. we are going to produce throughout the ideas we have gathered from the new headlines we researched from previously therefore throughout the discussion that me and my group had we thought of making a simple film which relates to the theme obsession.

I have research two short films and one actual film which relates to the theme Obsession:

1st film

Passion of Christ

This is a movie based on the life of Jesus off how he gave people the truth about god and how we should follow the right path to heaven, which then shows the conflict of how he was tortured from the people who disagree that he is a messenger of god.

This movie involve the aspects of the theme obsession because the movie shows how Jesus (PBUH) have the dignity and the responsibility from god of how he can tell the truth and change for the better of helping people to act in a good way and respect others the way they wanted to be respected. Jesus (PBUH) had the obsession to change the people the way they act into a peaceful society as he had a responsibility from god, which he never gave up his responsibilities and as the messenger of god he always thought positive about people and never gave up on them he follow the true meaning of peace and had the obsession to make sure everyone follows the right path of heaven. The obsession was that Jesus had to give the final truth to everyone and make sure they follow the right path of heaven.

The film makers had the choice of creating the life experience of Jesus (PBUH) showing the aspects of how he command people to change good for the better and how he was tortured for the responsibilities he had to commit. The film makers had a choice of making a film about a world which is effected by war with people getting drunk and committing sins, people having out break war against each other they decide of making a man who has religious belief a responsibly from god of giving the truth leading to changing peoples attitude and violence and helping others to change good for the society and claims to be the messenger of god. However a king hears about the rumour and becomes furious which leads to the man being caught and being tortured to his death but the man still forgives and has passion of love for his enemy. The concept of this story is related to the religion of Christianity and Islam so therefore the basis is referring of the religious teachings of Jesus (PBUH) and how he communicate with others through respect,love,digntity,joy ,peace and happiness of gods will.

The film makers want to produce a film where a man shows all his love and compassion to change people for the good of society and gods will with religious teachings.

Key terms-Jesus (PBUH) this is referred Jesus peace is upon him due to the reference of how my religion should call him as the messenger of god.

2nd short film

This is a short film that relates to the basis of the theme obsession this film is called:

Unnoticed love

This film is also related to romance but the concept of this short film shows how the women is obsessed of trying to make her more attractive for the guy to be more compassionate and trying to accept her love invitation. But in this case it doesn’t work out, you also see another obsession from the waiter who is also obsessed of trying to grab attention for the women by making her feel attractive to him by cleaning up the frustration she cause for example smashing the cup on the floor to grab attention for the guy and also making noises of her spoon. but in this case the concept doesn’t work. However the women was left out a rose on her table from a waiter which she apparently thought it was from the guy she wants so therefore she walks out still feeling crushed and still obsessed of having the guy she wants.

In the aspects of film producers they probably decided of creating a love triangle between the waiter, the women and a rich man. But in these consequences they want you to see the obsession between the love triangle from the waiter trying to get attention for the women and the women who is trying to get attention for the rich man.

3rd film

Another short film that I have watch which relates to the theme of obsession is

Crazy hands

This film shows the obsession with a man whose hands keeps on interacting and wont stop flickering and moving about we see how the hands controls the man to shake and move in different directions, Therefore the hands are in control of the movement of the man. In the beginning we see the obsession of the hands moving constantly as if its taken control of the whole body which the man has no control over them and moves around very awkward.

The film makers of this short film may thought off producing something about a man whose hands are obsessed of moving around constantly and never stop performing actions and also show the obsession of how he commits certain actions that people feel confused and bizarre off. They want to produce something of a man whose hands have the obsession of constantly moving and being more interactive which takes over the body control of the man. The techniques that this short film has used is to make the screenshot of the hand being the control and being the greater power that shows all the actions of the man performing. The music that was used related to term of how strange the hands were moving as well as the involvement of the man it created a comedy type of atmosphere mixing up the aspects of the obsession of the hands. Dialogue is used where we see the hands constantly moving and making him walking around and swinging around we see how the hand controls how the man speaks in a bizarre and strange way Its like how the hands is hurting the man as it would never stops and keeps on dragging him into another place.

Overall the consequences of this film shows how I could try and use the obsession of a body part e.g legs which constantly keeps on moving and show the similarities of bizarre and strange absences of this short clip

In conclusion by watching these three films shows the aspect of how it relates to the theme obsession which will be the theme of the film that me, tolsin and Rachel will produce and by gathering the research and development I gathered ideas of how we could create different type of obsession e.g. body language, the obsession of taking the responsibility (passion of Christ) or the love we desire for people where we have the obsession of grabbing attention for others to be more attractive.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Story idea 1

By gathering all my research and development and also discussing ideas with my group who I was working with tolsin and Rachel we Discussed the concept of making a story for a film and bringing the aspects of how it could relate to real life situation, so therefore me Rachel and tolsin gathered ideas of how we can create a movie from the research we done about the short stories from the news.

These are the two stories that we are interested of producing a film:

1st film

This headline was from the research of Rachel’s development where we actually made a final decision of how we can produce his aspect into a film this headline was about the Russian children mixed up at birth which both of the Childs family was Discovered that they were mixed up in birth so therefore both families were awarded $100,000 at compensation.

The website of this headline

The image of the headline

Many things can happen in real life situation and this is one of the main popularity as we see a lot of tragedy between childhoods and they way they act as they grow up so therefore we thought of how we can create a lot of tragedy of how a girl keeps on having flashback of her childhood to
her birth and find something very unexpected and shocking which creates an attitude
for a girl to either black mail or commit something very uncertain.