Thursday 3 November 2011

Opening sequence Mood Board For Treatment

As for our film that me and my group had discussed and plotted the the whole film of what are the aspects that are going to occur our main focus is to how we going to produce an effective opening sequence for our film which is related to the theme obsession

Opening story

Our opening story is going to begin with a shot outside a house which brings us to a shot inside house of a girls room where you a girl who is singing and looking into a mirror wearing a wig, which is contained with sound/music without any dialogue which is the main concept of this opening scene is to not include dialogue which will make the audience think of any predictable moment s that are going to occur in the film. However a parent of the girl peaks into the room to see what she is doing which leads to the girl quickly hiding the wig and becoming to her normal state on the bed as she doesn’t want her mum to know she is interested in singing and dreams to be a singer to gain high population around the whole global, she then have a flashback of how she was told off by her mum when she asked her if she was allowed to go to the choir and we see the aspects why because her mum wants her daughter to focus on her education which brings back to her normal state again where she is reading a magazine about famous singers then we see shot of her being surprised and very happy she rips out the piece of paper which we then see her mum peaking again>the girl then again hides the piece of paper underneath the pillow as if nothing occurred then she takes it out then we see the paper saying live audition on a certain date which the girl becomes surprised and having hopes as if she is going to fulfil her dream which the opening scene will finish with a sudden flash.

In the prospect of this opening scene it has to be very effective for the audience to be more interested to watch because uncertain films which are shown on television for example many people want to see something very interesting that will grab their attention if it doesn’t they will switch to another channel so therefore by making a catchy and more attractive opening scene it will be a successful option of grabbing the audience interest which they will want to watch more with questions and predictable moments in their minds.

Images that will inspire the concept of the theme obsession

These are the types of images that will be the basic concept of the theme obsession showing the actual need of performing an action to either grab attention or what they do in their social life.

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