Tuesday 8 November 2011

Opening sequence script final draft

As i have produced the first draft of my opening sequence me and my group made the final descsion of how we are going to produce our opening sequence.

Scene 1 – Ext Outside house
Establishing shot of the location and buildings circulating her bedroom
Longshot of the alley, to show the dark side
Longshot of the house
(Sky is a mixture of blue and dark, maybe occasional shower)

Scene 2– Interior of the house
180 degree shot around the whole atmosphere of the corridor exploring the house

Scene 3-interior inside house
A medium shot will be used, a shot of the corridor and Emma’s room. Sound effects and music will be played inside her room increasingly as the camera moves.

Scene 4- Interior inside the room
Room is colourful and spacious, adding a feminine perspective to emphasise the gender of Emma.)
(Props will include hairbrush for the character to pretend to sing, mirror for her to imagine herself being a worldwide singer reversing into reality that there may be a possibility of it occurring)180 degree shot again hearing Emma sing.

Scene 5 – Interior inside the house
Cutterway shot of her mum’s shoes as she is walking up the stairs. We see her peeking in so see what her daughter is doing. Door is half open.

Scene 6 – Interior of the house, inside her room
Match on reaction will be used as she will notice that her mum has seen her.She then will lie on the bed – Medium longshot

Scene 7 – Interior of the house, inside her room
We will see the mum come briefly then leaving again. We will use a medium longshot

Scene 8 – Interior of the room, inside the room
Close –up of Emma where she will have a flashback where she was given as lecture by her mum as we explore the reason why her mum doesn’t want her to sing. She believes that she should focus on her education.Match on reaction on the depression of Emma’s face.

Scene 9 – Interior of the room, inside the room
Over the shoulder shot as she see Emma pull out a magazine saying ‘live auditions’. Also see Emma’s eyes that she is startled.

Scene 10 – Interior, outside the room.
We will then again see a medium longshot of the mum peeking in to see what she is up to this time.

Scene 11 – Interior of the room, inside the room
We will then see Emma hiding the magazine and ripping off the poster which she will slot under her pillow .We will then see a blank screen to end the sequence.

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