Wednesday 2 November 2011

Research of films relating to the theme obsession

As me and my group decided the theme and the basic genre of the film we are going to produce. we are going to produce throughout the ideas we have gathered from the new headlines we researched from previously therefore throughout the discussion that me and my group had we thought of making a simple film which relates to the theme obsession.

I have research two short films and one actual film which relates to the theme Obsession:

1st film

Passion of Christ

This is a movie based on the life of Jesus off how he gave people the truth about god and how we should follow the right path to heaven, which then shows the conflict of how he was tortured from the people who disagree that he is a messenger of god.

This movie involve the aspects of the theme obsession because the movie shows how Jesus (PBUH) have the dignity and the responsibility from god of how he can tell the truth and change for the better of helping people to act in a good way and respect others the way they wanted to be respected. Jesus (PBUH) had the obsession to change the people the way they act into a peaceful society as he had a responsibility from god, which he never gave up his responsibilities and as the messenger of god he always thought positive about people and never gave up on them he follow the true meaning of peace and had the obsession to make sure everyone follows the right path of heaven. The obsession was that Jesus had to give the final truth to everyone and make sure they follow the right path of heaven.

The film makers had the choice of creating the life experience of Jesus (PBUH) showing the aspects of how he command people to change good for the better and how he was tortured for the responsibilities he had to commit. The film makers had a choice of making a film about a world which is effected by war with people getting drunk and committing sins, people having out break war against each other they decide of making a man who has religious belief a responsibly from god of giving the truth leading to changing peoples attitude and violence and helping others to change good for the society and claims to be the messenger of god. However a king hears about the rumour and becomes furious which leads to the man being caught and being tortured to his death but the man still forgives and has passion of love for his enemy. The concept of this story is related to the religion of Christianity and Islam so therefore the basis is referring of the religious teachings of Jesus (PBUH) and how he communicate with others through respect,love,digntity,joy ,peace and happiness of gods will.

The film makers want to produce a film where a man shows all his love and compassion to change people for the good of society and gods will with religious teachings.

Key terms-Jesus (PBUH) this is referred Jesus peace is upon him due to the reference of how my religion should call him as the messenger of god.

2nd short film

This is a short film that relates to the basis of the theme obsession this film is called:

Unnoticed love

This film is also related to romance but the concept of this short film shows how the women is obsessed of trying to make her more attractive for the guy to be more compassionate and trying to accept her love invitation. But in this case it doesn’t work out, you also see another obsession from the waiter who is also obsessed of trying to grab attention for the women by making her feel attractive to him by cleaning up the frustration she cause for example smashing the cup on the floor to grab attention for the guy and also making noises of her spoon. but in this case the concept doesn’t work. However the women was left out a rose on her table from a waiter which she apparently thought it was from the guy she wants so therefore she walks out still feeling crushed and still obsessed of having the guy she wants.

In the aspects of film producers they probably decided of creating a love triangle between the waiter, the women and a rich man. But in these consequences they want you to see the obsession between the love triangle from the waiter trying to get attention for the women and the women who is trying to get attention for the rich man.

3rd film

Another short film that I have watch which relates to the theme of obsession is

Crazy hands

This film shows the obsession with a man whose hands keeps on interacting and wont stop flickering and moving about we see how the hands controls the man to shake and move in different directions, Therefore the hands are in control of the movement of the man. In the beginning we see the obsession of the hands moving constantly as if its taken control of the whole body which the man has no control over them and moves around very awkward.

The film makers of this short film may thought off producing something about a man whose hands are obsessed of moving around constantly and never stop performing actions and also show the obsession of how he commits certain actions that people feel confused and bizarre off. They want to produce something of a man whose hands have the obsession of constantly moving and being more interactive which takes over the body control of the man. The techniques that this short film has used is to make the screenshot of the hand being the control and being the greater power that shows all the actions of the man performing. The music that was used related to term of how strange the hands were moving as well as the involvement of the man it created a comedy type of atmosphere mixing up the aspects of the obsession of the hands. Dialogue is used where we see the hands constantly moving and making him walking around and swinging around we see how the hand controls how the man speaks in a bizarre and strange way Its like how the hands is hurting the man as it would never stops and keeps on dragging him into another place.

Overall the consequences of this film shows how I could try and use the obsession of a body part e.g legs which constantly keeps on moving and show the similarities of bizarre and strange absences of this short clip

In conclusion by watching these three films shows the aspect of how it relates to the theme obsession which will be the theme of the film that me, tolsin and Rachel will produce and by gathering the research and development I gathered ideas of how we could create different type of obsession e.g. body language, the obsession of taking the responsibility (passion of Christ) or the love we desire for people where we have the obsession of grabbing attention for others to be more attractive.

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