Friday 4 November 2011

Opening sequence story script 1st draft

This is the first draft of the opening sequence that I come with by the discussion that me and my group had of producing the film related to the theme obsession so therefore by creating a draft me and my group will decide what type of particular shots we are going to take and which one we ill change and make it more effective.

Scene 1-exterior outside the house

Establishing of a long shot out side a house which will zoom into the house as if we are going inside to explore the atmosphere of the house.

The sky is cloudy and has a windy atmosphere which will cause the sound of the breeze

Scene 2 –interior inside the house in the corridor zooming in

There will a 180 degree shot around the whole atmosphere of the corridor to the stairs and also will be zooming into the stairs as if we are exploring around the house.

Scene 3-inteori of the house outside the room

There will be a medium shot of a rooms door which sound effects/music will be added but have the effect of the music inside the room not without, we will have a shot of zooming into the room door as if we going to see what’s occurring inside the room.

Scene 4-interior inside the room

Shot inside the room with a 180 degree turn to show the atmosphere of the room, the room will be with bright colours and will be seeing another medium shot of Emma singing in the mirror

Scene 5 -interior of the house

Another cut off shot of her mums shoes as if she is walking up stairs and we see another peak shot of her mum peaking in which we will see a close up of her face as she peaks in.

Scene 6- interior of the house Emma’s room

We see another shot of Emma quickly hiding the wig and lying down on the bed as if nothing had occurred in the room

Scene 7- interior of the house inside Emma’s room

Another shot of the mum going out side the room and closing the door this will be a cut away shot as the door closes

Scene 8
This will switch to the shot of where Emma sits down and have a flashback where she was given lectures by her mum we see the reason why her mum doesn’t allow her to become a singer because she wants her to focus on her education. The camera shot of this process will occur of a two by shot of the mum and Emma communicating with each other showing all the depression and frustration of Emma

Scene 9
We comes back to the normal state of Emma and reads a magazine we see an over the shoulder shot of her reading a magazine about famous singers and celebrities. Then we a close up shot of Emma’s eyes and see that something grabs her attention as though she had found something amazing

Scene 10
We see another shot of the girl reading the headline on the magazine saying live auditions on a particular date this shot will be a close up of Emma’s face as wee see the suprisement and the excitement.

Scene 11
We make another medium 180 degree shot of Emma jumping with joy around the whole room

Scene 12
We then see the mum yet again peaks into the door with the same shot of a cut off as she opens the door

Scene 13
We quickly see Emma hiding the magazine and the poster she ripped off and become to her normal self this will be an over the shoulder over Emma as she sees her mum peaking into the room.

Scene 14
As her mum leaves we then have another close up shot of Emma as though she is thinking and having hopes and a sudden flash comes which will be the last shot of this opening sequence

In conclusion the main aspect of this procedure is to come up with an opening scene that me an my group decided to create then overall make a draft of our own opening scene to see what aspects we will come up with by deciding the main draft in our group.

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