Wednesday 23 November 2011

Actors that relates to our character

As you know that the term of our main purpose is about a girl who has interest of become a ballet dancer i looked at other actors in film who had the same interest and actually fufil their dream in reality this will help my research of gaining new ideas of how to develop and bring out the attention of our character for the opening sequence.

The first actor i found that related to our characters purpose of the film was:

Billy elliot

As we know billy elliot is one of the famous actor who also had interest in becoming a ballet dancer but not only he wanted to fufil his dream it was more difficult while his dad was furious of him becoming a ballet dancer instead of a boxer so therefore we see how we can relate this actor of our character have the same background image of the same parents who refuses their childs interest.

To make our research more conclusive i interviewed billy elliot about is life and how did he develop of trying to keep his secret from his father:

Me: hello and its a great honour to meet one of the famous actors and not only the actor a dancer who actually fufil their dream

Billy:why thank you its a honour to me you to

Me: one of the question i had in mind was why did you pick ballet as your interest instead of boxing?

Billy:well boxing wasnt my interest at all i was usually bullied and always get my head knocked out and always lose my memory so i lost interest because i didnt want to become beaten up from the rest of my life

Me:why did you pick ballet as your interest?

Billy well there was many reasons why but cant figure out how to explain it its just how i usually see the peace and calm when you hear the music and someone slowly moving and dancing,its just the fact that ballet is very peacful and relaxing and also the excercise is far more supperior so therefore no need to get knocked out to be fit.

Me:Did your dad accept the fact you wanted to become a ballet dancer?

Billy:At first no becuase he wanted me to become a boxer just like my grandad so yh i put him down sadly but he saw what i was really interested in and as a father he accepted my choice

me:did you have to keep secrets from your dad and how did you accomplish this procedure?

Billy:well i had to keep secrets from pretending i came home from boxing by wearing the gear and usually he checks sometimes in the gym but iluckly had a friend of mine who knew what i was really interested in and he always told my father that i went home a while ago but it was very easy to get away with but didnt last that long

Me:thank you for having the time to awnser my questions and wish you the best

Billy:thank you and again its my honou

Another actor i have interviewed was:

Eleonora Abbagnato

began her dance training in 1990 at the Formation à l'Académie Princesse Grâce in Monaco and then at the Centre Rosella Hightower in Cannes. In 1992 she entered l'Ecole de danse de l'Opéra. She entered the POB Corps de ballet in 1996, became coryphée in 1999, sujet in 2000 and finally in 2001 première danseuse.

So therefore i also interviewed Eleonora Abbagnato about her life abd dream of becoming a ballet dancer:

Me:nice to meet you its a great honour to meet someone who fufiled their dream

Eleonora:Its a honour to me you to thank you

Me:so when did you first start ballet?

Eleonora:when i was only 13 years old i was so intrested of becoming a ballet dancer but my mum refused and wanted me to focus on my education

Me:Then how did you manage to fufily your dream?

Eleonora:wll i did focus on my education ut couldnt wait any longer so i saw a club in my school which had a private session of ballet so i joined so i managed to keep a little secret from my mother but not for long

Me:how long did she manage to find out?

Eleonora:there was a day when i finished my session on ballet and i realised that my mother was waiting for me outside school becuase she told me when she dropped me off to school so i was in deep trouble so therefore i packed up all my clothing and quickly changed into my school uniform but what i forgot to do was to change my ballet shoes so therefore i came out and my mum saw me wearing the ballet shoes and that was the time she realsied

Me:what happned after?

Eleonora:she then gave a relly biug lecture but at the end she understood of what i really wanted to become so therefore i finished my education and became and ballet dancer by also going to acdemey of dance.

Me:what music do u perform while practising?

Elenora:well have to say opear because its peaceful and more relazxing and you get the rythum of doing something fantastic and magnificant.

Me:thank you for you time that is all

Elenora:your welcome

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