Thursday 24 November 2011

My film movie poster

Based on our research and development me and my gorup decided our target audience that our film will hav the encouragment to.We had to organise and know the terminology of our attraction that we trying to give to our audience in order to make our film very sucessful and interesting to watch.

As i gathered all the information about our target audience and what interest they will require i have produced my own individual film poster and me and my group had decided to call our film 'Lets dance' underneath is the poster i have produced on Adobe Photoshop CS3.

What are the main colours used in the poster and what do they connote?

The main colours i used for the poster was pink which empathises feminism and also red with the text that will indicate of the most important company or people that subscribed for this film aspects.I used brown or light brown as the background colour which basically suits the atmosphere as though she is performing for a ballet,in my mind the colour brown reminds of ponies or horses which basically many young girls do fascinate into ponies and horses so therefore its a reason why i have chosen brown as a background colour for this poster.

What symbols are used in the poster?

Well the symbols i used was the big C on the top left to show the company that it was produced by because usually most films have a logo of the company that is either sponsered by or porduced in many aspects.I also used the PG sign to indicate what age group this film is based on so therefore as you know the age group isfor this film is for 8 years to 20 years old and to use this image makes it more realistic as most of the film posters uses thses symbols of age group to indicate th age the film is suitable to.

Do you need audience foreknowledge to decode the symbols?What are the main figures/objects/background of the poster?

Well the audience can already identify the purpos of this film and also the main target audience as they can see a young girl and also a PG sign so therefore we know the terms that this film is suitbale for younger children in a certain age.I used the programme photoshop to produce my poster and for the brightness of this poster i used a layer and blured abit more so therefore we can see the gliterish effect of the girl which looks very fascinating.For the background i earased some of the bits which had some hidden text so therefore i got rid of them so we dont see any text that are not involved with the film poster procedures.

Are they represented photographically, graphically, or illustratively? Are the messages in the poster primarily visual, verbal, or both?

They are represnted graphically as i edited the image from google and add the effect to it making it look more gliterish and also add some blur to some of the background the messages that iv included which indicated the speech from avrious people such as the sun we verbally used to bring the idea to the audience to understand how the film is fascinating and just to bring the attention to the audience about the film.

Who do you think is the intended audience for the poster?

the intended audience is where The demographics of the people that a product or service is designed for so in other words i believe this will be effected at the audience who are mostly girls which we see the feminin materials that are used in the poster.

Given that all movie posters have the same purpose - to get audiences to go see a movie - what persuasive techniques are used by the poster?

The persuasive techniques that i susually admire of using text from famous companies that watched the movie so therefore we could see a feedback and see how the movie will gain good reviews so therefore the audience will admire and be more interesting to watch the film themselves.

Which genre conventions are referred to?

This genree is reffered to ballet which will be involved with the obession of the the girl wants to bcome a ballet dancer.

Is a star used as a USP (unique selling point)?

In this aspects of the film a unique selling point will be a great advantage of gaining good reviews and more attraction to the audience so therefore we highly admire of atleast having a movie star that will gain alot of views fromthe audience and will grab interest to their terminology.

Are "expert witnesses" (ie critics) quoted?

As i included quote above that gained review from i included a witness from the US president barak obama which will be a great advantage to show to his citizen of a film of his interest and also people will admire the preseident of what type of interest he does in his spare time.I included the quote 'a must watch film' by barak obama this will mean hat the film is very higly recomended to watch adnd a movie that cannot be misssed.

What pleasures (gratifications) are promised by the poster?

The pleasure of the poster will indicate happiness from a young child so therefore this will be aimed at adults who usually see themself when they used to be a kid and always wanted to become something they always dreamed off but never had the opportunity this will gain alot of pleasure from them as they see a yound child who had the same dreams but actually fufils them.

How is attention gained (humour, shock, surprise)?

The attention gained that i will consider will be shock where i included the slogan above the poster 'where dreams can be fufiled' and also will bring pleasure and a sweet feeling for the little girl on the front cover mostly adults will have the sweet and tender feeling in their heart for the child.

How much does the poster tell you about the institutional context of the movie's production?

the poster explains the main pupose of the film and also shows the nevolvement that will be in the film procedures we could see that the name 'lets dance' already empathises that the main concept of this film will be based on dancing however wee see another concept where it also includes 'Where a dream can be fufiled' we see how this will be involved a big interest of someone who had the dignity to accomplish something they want in life.Overall we see the movies production as we could see the producers and the evidence of feedback which is backed up with the films interest that will admire the target audience.

How important is this information on the poster (think about information hierarchies)?

The informaion of this poster is important because this empathises the main urpose of this film which is about a girl who wants to fiufil her dream and become something she always dreamed off but we can also tell how there will be an outcome as we can tsee the inocent face of the girl which gives us the feeling that she is going to overcome someone who disagrees her dream.

How important a part of the whole marketing campaign is the poster?

The main purpose of marketing is to try and grab or draw a many attention to the audience.A good advertisment will conclude of many people becoming interesting about the film and backing up with feedbacks can show how the flm is fully recomended of watching.

Where is the poster placed?

The poster will be placed in public areas such as schools,college,university mainly an education purpose as the child is in her teeens this will reflect on most girls in a certain age so an advanatge will be to post this in school areas.

How expensive was this poster to produce?

There were no charge of producing this poster as i created it onphotshop,a software made for edtiting processes of multimedia.

Target audience 1:



Interest:The terminology of ballet and also for little kids it will interest them of how they dream of becoming a ballet dancer.It also will interest them of the music of ballet which will be opera so for young adults who have intrest in opera will feel the peacful atmosphere of watching this film.
They will also have interest of the clothing the girl wears we see how this film and the poster is very feminine since it includes the brightness and the glitterish polish and most importanlty we see a small girl aged around 11 who is wearing a crown just o show the sweetness and the innocence of how this film will represent without no violence or anything typical such as action film,horror,thriller ect.

Why would these audience will be intereted of watching this film?
The main cause or the concept of why they will feel the need of watching this film will prbably be because it might have a small romanc which may occur and as you know stereotypically that most girls nowdays are very interested inot romance terminology.

Target audience 2



Interest:may be interested in ballet as for some of them for example billy elliot and more famous ballet dancer,Some boys may watch the movie depending on how they like to see someone who fufils their dream.Most importantly their main interest of how the film could refer for most boys of fufilling their own dream not only in ballet but in any type of dance such as street dancing,pop dancing ect.

Why would these audience be interested of watching thi film?

Most boys usually watch these film because of how they see the attraction to girls this terminology mostly happens where boys have the couragment to feel attracted to the film because of the actors they may fancy.They could either watch the film becuase mabye most boys usually have a little sister who they depend on by fufilling their dream of aspects.

5 films watched from the past six months that refer to this terminology:

  • Step up

  • you got surved

  • happy feet

  • billy elliot

  • street dance

Overall in my terminology i think it is an effective poster as the colurs the quotes and also the heading looks effective an fit for the purpoe of this film and maily the quotes are very supportive as it will show the audience of how the much the film gained good reviews and a film that is highly recomended to watch.The camera shot of the girl doesnt look basic it gives a look of a innocent girl a young girl who looks confident a sees the opportunity she wants to compete in.The glitterish effect or the brightness effect shows the charmin of the girl so therefore the main aspects of this film is peaceful more feminine and more relaxing to watch as you can finiallysee a girl who actually fufils her dream.

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